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Terrible bloating, gas, stomach rumblings Day 23


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Today is day 23 for me & I'm miserable. First 2 weeks were great, loved the food, no problems transitioning besides missing my Chardonnay. Week 1 I also started P90X(which I've done before). All was going great. I am weighing myself, my choice. 1st week lost 3.4, 2nd 3.0, weighed yesterday only lost 2.0. I did notice last week how my weight loss was slowing down, figured it's because my period was coming. Yesterday & especially today I am SOOO bloated, stomach is rumbling around & I GAINED 2lbs on the scale from yesterday...no I did not eat anything crazy yesterday. I bought natural calm last Wednesday & I think it may be part of the culprit. Made me moody, think it actually irritated my stomach. I did not take it today & will not any longer. HELP I need & want this to go away & get back on my eating healthy & weight loss journey!

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