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My Fiance and I's Whole30


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My Fiance and I just began our first ever Whole30 on 10/20/14. We got the idea from a friend, and research the health benefits. I have been suffering from some sever GI issues, and really want to see how I feel when I change my eating and exercise habits. We spent the weekend before planning and preparing our meals for the week. I had spent the previous week putting together a spreadsheet of meals and a grocery list with all of the Whole30 tips. My fiance and I work long hours and are both very busy, and know that preparation and planning will be key to our success!


Day 1 went great - I ended the nght with a massive headache (really shows how addicted to diet coke I am). Thankfully I woke up feeling better (certainly energized!). I have started day two with two mini quiches (egg, spinach, onions, green pepper and whole30 approved prosciutto) and a small cup of black coffee with unsweetened coconut milk. So far so good. Yesterday I was so HUNGRY! My stomach growled most of the day, so today I added a bit more protein. Yesterday my fiance and I had a great converstion about how "trained" are brain is to bad food. We both caught ourself thinking about carrying out our bad habits. It is great to be able to recognize these thoughts and squash them!


So here's to being midway through day two and feeling pretty darn good!!




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