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Suzanna's Whole 30


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So, I started yesterday but......obviously cannot read and ate Peanut butter soooooo and had nuts/fruit for snacks in between meals and so..I start AGAIN today.


I re-read all the rules again and the timeline and started AGAIN this am. 


Breakfast:  probably eggs, bacon or steak and an salad and fruit. Coffee Lightened with coconut milk cream


Lunch - Scallops and Grilled Squid roasted zucchini and jicama


Dinner: Left over Prime rib sweet potatoes and salad



Yesterday, I will consider a pretty good practice day with the exception of the Peanut butter.  I don't have any processed food fetish to give up, and no soda habit to mourn,  but alcohol ...I will pine for that maybe.


I did notice a heck of a lot of energy yesterday, bounced out of bed today  so I guess my practice day 1 and real morning one go right along with the timeline.


I tried the prime rib dinner as described in the "It Starts With Food" book that started me on this journey....and that was pretty on target. 



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Ok, today is day 3 + 1 practice day.  So, yesterday was my "evil" day.  Hated everyone and everything.  Timeline.....did not believe it but true.  Today had to get up at 4 and be at airport at 5.  Had my coffee with coconut milk, egg and avocado with tomatoes and lettuce salad....then got to the airport...I literally bought my flat white at Starbucks and a cheese Danish....sat down to wait..for my global entry apt


So, I looked at the Danish, smelled it felt it in the bag and stuck it in my briefcase.  I sadly - threw the coffee away.  I won't ever waste that money again.  The Danish did not look, feel or smell of anything...just plastic mass produced stuff.  Had I been in Paris the choice may have been different.


I have learned that I can drink my espresso without cream - although I think I will likely more often than not opt for tea.   


Last night, dinner out....my fav place.  Italian of all places.  A little lady from north Italy that is the best cook.  Well, I made it through with an arugula salad, carpaccio No bread no pizza, no pasta.  Just roast beef and arugula and capers.  I assume since they are a flower bud that is an ok item. 

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Well it is night.  Nothing really interesting about eating for me these days.  I think I am to that bloated phase a little sooner than the timeline but......all has passed rather quickly with a hot cup of tea....organic white tea without anything in it is pretty good.


Dinner plain scallops and tomatoes


I ate small bites of my nuts, meat, veggies and fruit today as i was driving all day.  I cannot  eat three big meals.  Getting up at 4 and on the road --I would have breakfast and lunch consumed by 9 am.


I have gotten to this weird thing where I am not really hungry and thinking about food is not all that fun. I seem to get fuller faster - i guess all these veggies have a lot of fill factor.


I am not sleeping as well I seem to not get tired --so my usual bedtime of 8 pm is no longer working for me...


I noticed something new...I started sweating again, not a lot but a little.  I never could sweat very well - just get really red when i work out.  I believe this to be related to the inflammatory process and gut.  


Well I am writing to keep up my determination .... we shall see what tomorrow brings.

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UGGG...worse headache and dizziness like do I have Meniere's disease kind of dizzy throw-up feeling.  Got up and drank water water water, shot of black espresso and then magnesium and a vitamin.  I feel better.  


Breakfast turkey, carrots and cucumbers.  Lunch Meatballs in tomato sauce, with onion, garlic, celery, carrots red pepper, zucchini.  All the veggies melted away into the sauce which was fantastic.  Dehydrated pinnapple, and coffee. ......I am JONESING for SUGAR I think.  It is like I cannot remember what sweet tastes like.  I am truly not hungry..... 


Since I normally don't do many nuts or seeds...I have to wonder if that is part of the problem...some folks don't do well with them....Certainly not the new organic white tea that did me in..Could have been the dry needling that I let my physical therapist colleague practice on my neck....


I have already had like 7 cups of veggies today...I feel just a bit weak and yuk....a friend said...to eat a piece of bread and I will feel better......Certainly not eating bread and sugar and dairy and beans will kill me, I responded.  So I feel like crap for a few days....then according to the timeline....I should feel good in about 9 days or so.    I told my friend...hand over your cigarettes...she said no....TOUCHE....


I have never had much willpower, so.....I want to stick this out.  If anything, I have gone from practically never eating a veggie to lots of veggies at EVERY meal   Onward and upward.....  Sorry to whine. 

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