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FEB 10TH START - anyone want an accountability buddy/buddies??


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Greetings from snowy Boston! I am a 34 year old woman who realizes daily she has a screwy relationship with food and wine and after being stuck in the house for the past four days (yes, FOUR), watching multiple documentaries about clean eating and listening to a podcast with Melissa this AM on my way home from the gym, I am committing to starting my Whole30 today. I have done all the pre-work while being trapped inside and have the most stressful time of year coming up in my job, so want to feel clear in the head, healthy in the mind and body to handle the upcoming months. I've tried the Whole30 a few times before with my largest success being 11 days (which ended with a stomach bug) and am excited to get this going but realize the reason for my previous lack of success: my lack of ability to complete the full 30 is likely due to lack of support and a buddy system.


A few things about me:

- I have a high stress job (that often ends in drinks after work - my largest falls come when I've had a few drinks and decide to eat nachos!)

- I work out with a trainer a few days a week

- I am a lapsed runner (I can do 2 miles and used to be able to easily do 5!)

- I sometimes feel like daily life is a barrage of food I can't eat and want to find a healthier way to look at it!

- I have a labradane I love more than life itself

- I generally have been eating Whole9 for the past year but when I go off the farm, I go OFF - like a bottle-of-wine-and-a-pint-of-ice-cream off - and know the Whole30 is the way to go


Hoping to find someone or a group of people who is willing to trade numbers and emails so we can support one another via email, text, whatever and see each other through to March 12th! 

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I am starting 2/11 and can use an accountability buddy as well :).  I am in Ohio so struggling with the same blah weather and want to eat.  I did my first Whole 30 in May and it was great but have tried to start unsuccessfully a few times since November for a fresh Whole 30 and haven't been able to stick to it.  I am ready to get going tomorrow and have committed to an extra time due to some emotional food issues so my plan is a Whole 66 :).

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Good afternoon ladies!!! I too am starting the whole 30. I am on day 2 starting on feb 9. I am a 36 year old female struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I experience many similar challenges you both have stated. I have a job with rotating long shifts that are very inconsistent and stressful which cause me to binge eat. I have successfully completed the whole 30 twice in the past with great success but I am either all or nothing and hoping I can find a balance with this whole 30. I am also from the Boston area and suffering from stir craziness so maybe making new recipes and finding buddies will help to improve my mood.

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I am starting 2/11 and can use an accountability buddy as well :).  I am in Ohio so struggling with the same blah weather and want to eat.  I did my first Whole 30 in May and it was great but have tried to start unsuccessfully a few times since November for a fresh Whole 30 and haven't been able to stick to it.  I am ready to get going tomorrow and have committed to an extra time due to some emotional food issues so my plan is a Whole 66 :).


@mom157 - will you either post or direct message me your email? I've already got marvar's and I'd like to get an email string going between the three of us!

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Wow, super excited I ended up here. My name is Tanya and I live in Perth Australia. We have a lot in common. Were to begin lol. I completed my first round of whole 30 in May. I did it to prepare for a family visit to the states. I lost 24 lbs. I managed to do this on my own as my husband loves beer and chocolate too much. My son who turned 18 at the time moved back to the states. After my trip I formed a very unhealthy relationship with food. I was emotional and it showed every time I ate something. WINE! I love, love, love wine and cheese together. Even though it made me itch like crazy and sneeze with every sip, I didn't care damn it. Since indulging with a few bites of bread( which I gave up 5 years ago due to gluten sensitivity) my joints ache. My body is slapping me in the face and I'm not paying attention. So here I am and I'm prepared with guns blazing to get this started. I was desperate to find someone to start this with me that I was asking anyone that would listen with no luck. So I decided to pay whole 30 a visit and here I am. I'm a day ahead in the land of Oz so it's the 12 for me today. I've already prepped a weeks worth of food. 3 meals a day and am curing my own bacon as I can't find any without sugar. Besides a support group, to help with my success, I'm doing t25 alpha, beta and gamma rounds, additional weight sessions during the week, 10 minute visualization in the morning( Jon Gabriel), his evening meditation, the Magic(28 day practice), the book It Starts With Food and my 8 year old daughter who is the best cheerleader and support. Tomorrow night is going to be interesting,because the family has been invited to a pool party after school and it's with my best mates who love to drink and eat as much as I do. Bloody hell! So that's a small part of me. My email address is [email protected]. Would love to hear from anyone and have a great start.

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Hello everyone, I'm from California and it's bee hot the last few days. I started on the 9th. I've been doing good so far. The headaches and fatigue suck. I feel like I'm walking around in a daze. I have always given up on every diet or exercise program I have ever been on and I also binge. I need to find a normal healthy balance when it comes to food. I really want the support and motivation to get through this so I can be proud of myself and of course feel better. I wish you all luck! We can do this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started on Feb 9 too.  I haven't had any issues sticking with the plan.  I am truly enjoying such a clear and sharp mental state.  My energy level is incredible!  I think I'm doing pretty well except I can get a little impatient and snap once in a while.  I'm not sure if it's because I am so focused or if maybe the eating plan is more difficult than I am letting on.  My goal is to try to relax a bit.  I just started exercising today as I had an injury and couldn't before.  I'm hoping that will slow me down a bit.  I'm dying to know if I've lost weight but I am resisting the scale.  I do know that I have lost inches pretty evenly all over and my body appears to be tighter.  I just turned 50 and perimenopause has prevented me from being able to lose my middle body weight gain, plus hot flashes (yuck).  The Whole 30 seems to be rewarding me for my efforts.  I'm anxious to see if the hot flashes disappear entirely by the 30 days (has anyone else experienced relief?)  Very happy so far although every night I get really hungry around 8 p.m.  Trying to ignore the hunger pangs - not easy.  Hot tea and tap water help.

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Hi Everyone! This is my first post on any forum ever & I'm excited to join this one. I've been on the whole30 since 2/8 and really need accountability friends.

A little about me:

I live in Chicago.

I own two businesses and am in the car long hours.

I started to whole30 as a challenge - to myself.

I miss coffee (with cream and sugar) very much. Oh, and the occasional drink.

I eat out a lot which has proven tricky on whole30.

I travel a lot. Hobby.

I'm addicted to luxe makeup. Hobby.

I look forward to getting to know you.

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