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Hypothalamic Amenorrhea


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Is any body out there who has or has had HA? I'm looking for some advice and support. I was recently diagnosed with HA after not getting my period for over two years after my son was born. The first nine months after birth, I breastfed, overexercised, and underfed myself, getting way under my pre pregnancy weight, but never dropping into "below normal weight." After nine months, I burned myself out and stopped breastfeeding and stopped exercising except occasionally walking but did not eat more. Then, a year ago, I did a whole30 and started crossfit 3 times a week. I have since put on 8 pounds, muscle and fat.


Currently, I am doing a second whole30 and I am trying to eat toward the higher end of the template as my understanding (from scouring the internet) is that, in order to heal, I need to rest and gain weight. I've read the article about gaining/maintaining weight doing a whole30, but I'd like to get some tips from any whole30ers who have gone through this.  I have yet to stop exercising since I enjoy it so much and the mental benefits of doing crossfit are too numerous to list. I just don't know how I could give it up. Has anybody gone through this?




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