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So I'm starting my journey March 2nd (we get back from the beach march 1st, so that's the reason for the date) I'm very excited to see what kind of reaction I get from my body after 30 day's of cleaning out, I'm also a little scared. I haven't really been honest with myself about my relationship with food, in preparing for this, it's actually scaring me to give up certain foods even for 30 days. My go to's are dairy and grains, however I am determined to complete this, and I'm very happy to see such a large support group.

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Rikki, it helps to have it in your head that you ARE doing this...no ambivalence, no debating it each day.  It's not easy, but doable.  I just returned from an unexpected 2 day trip.  I had to deal with a lot of my normal "go to" snacks and temptations, plus not having easy access to the foods I should eat.  I just kept telling myself "If I still really want it, I can have it at the end of the 30 days."

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