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Starting Monday, March 2nd


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Recently diagnosed with Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) which is an autoimmune disease.  I am excited and nervous.  Spent the last week reading It Starts With Food, cleaned out my 'fridge & pantry and did my Whole 30 food shopping today.  Will spend tomorrow doing some meal planning and preparation of some foods.  I am excited and also a bit nervous (freaking out a bit over my morning coffee as I like it with milk and Stevia ).  I welcome any encouraging comments, suggestions, secrets, & success stories! Thanks :)  

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Don't worry soon you won't even need that morning coffee.. You can do this.


I just finished a couple of days ago and I feel amazing. I too was worried about coffee, but I very quickly realised I didn't need it at all. I've averaged one cup a week for the last four weeks. Funny enough, I didn't go into it planning to quit coffee, it just happened. I learnt that I used to drink coffee to give myself a boost to get going in the morning, and I no longer need it.


Good luck with your Whole30.

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