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First time on the whole30


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Hello Whole30 community!


My name is Katie and I am now on day 3 of my whole30, but wasn't able to post before now.

I'm really looking forward to this experience, as I had started to have health issues that I narrowed down to some of the foods I was eating. I hope my body now has the chance to heal, and I can identify what foods my body doesn't tolerate.


I actually started my 30 days 7 days ago, but had to restart on day 4 after unthinkingly having soy sauce with my sashimi. I live in Japan and went to a sushi restaurant with my friends. I had no rice and thought I was doing good by just eating the fish. It wasn't until we were talking about miso soup and I was thinking that I couldn't have that since it has soy in it, that I looked down at my little dish of SOY sauce I had been dipping my fish in. Gosh I felt stupid, and what was worse is that my body was not happy! It was a real bummer pressing that restart button, but I am on track now and more aware of how there is soy in pretty much all Japanese foods, :(  But I love to cook, so it's ok! :D


I hope to meet many of you, and to give and receive support in the whole30 community!

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