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Day 29...Take Two


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Ok...I am going to try this again...apparently my last (and also my first ever) post broke some Forum rules...


I am on Day 29 of my Whole30.  It is has been a long and interesting month, but well worth every moment.  I came across the Whole30 when I was researching reasons why I was SO TIRED...ALL THE TIME, and things to do to help with that.  I saw the Whole30, and started reading about it and thought, why not?  My husband was willing to do it with me, so away we went.  Almost one month later I am happy to report that I am feeling SO MUCH better.  Yes there are still nights when I get home from work and I am exhausted...but it isn't the BONE ACHING exhaustion I used to feel EVERY SINGLE DAY.


I am a little nervous about my plans for March 4th (Day 31).  My husband wants to IMMEDIATELY go out and have craw-fish and beer...UGH...it sounds yummy, but I wonder what it will do to me?!?!  Maybe I will just have the craw-fish...and unsweetened tea!!  He would say that is BLASPHEMY...but I PLAN to hang on as tightly as I can to my new found "feel-good" self!!!

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