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Starting Today! March 5

Sunshine Smiles

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I'm super excited to be starting the Whole30 today! I've been trying to eat Paleo for a few years now, going off track from time to time. Since the birth of my 5 1/2 month old daughter I've really had a hard time staying on track. I didn't have any problems while pregnant because I was borderline with gestational diabetes. I've had really hard time since she was born though. Maybe it was just psychologically knowing I could eat some sweets and pizza here and there and not affect her. I am also breastfeeding and felt like eating everything in sight for the first few months. Well I should have known better because here and there soon came more often and I felt out of control. Worse than feeling out of control, I physically felt just yucky and achy as I always do when wheat and sugar are a part of my life. I believe I have actually gained weight since she was born. It's been so up and down.


I kept reading on some of the blogs I follow that they were starting a Whole30. I finally decided to check it out this week. So glad I did. It's finally time to stop beating myself up for getting off track and gain back the energy and well being that I've missed! I would love to lose the extra weight but the main reason for doing this is to feel better. I know this is the way my body was designed to eat and I know I will soon feel like me again. I'll be exercising again in no time.


I'm looking forward to being a part of this community. I have some support with family and friends, but I do not know anyone that I am close to that eats like this - Everyone thinks I'm so weird most of the time. I'm good with that,though because I am one of the healthiest and happiest people I know! I'm just really looking forward to interacting with others that "get it".


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Hey wholefoodmama!


I didn't see this post until now. I'm new to forums and must not have gotten this on my phone.


I'm doing great so far! For a few days, I was amazed at how fatigued I felt...sort of like I had done a lot of exercise without refueling. This is day 5 for me and I feel like the withdraws are gone now. I'm back on track with exercise too. On day 2 I committed myself to 30 days of yoga - at least 15 minutes a day. I also have the goal of cardio of some sort 3 days a week.


How about you?  Hope you are doing well!

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that's amazing!!  I tried a yoga challenge once, it was too much for me.  I workout almost everyday, but to do the yoga on top of that was too much time... and it was bikram, which is an hour and a half.  Good for you!!!!  i'm feeling better than I thought i would.  I'm finding getting protein at each meal a bit tricky, what are you eating in the morning?  I've been having eggs every day, which I love, but then figure I shouldn't eat them again for lunch... lots of good recipe ideas on Pinterest though, if you looking....

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I'm finishing day 12 and feeling great! Energy level is back up and I feel normal again. I have not been able to keep up with my yoga challenge. Life has gotten in the way. I have been walking with the double jog stroller though and a little bit of yoga. The weather has finally gotten nice enough to get out with the kids.

I eat ground beef or a burger for breakfast sometimes. I have a hard time getting veggies in the morning unless its spinach in eggs. I love pinterest?

So how are you doing? Sorry it took a few days to reply.

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