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March 9th start


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Hi there! My name is Natalir

I will be staying the whole 30 tomorrow and I excited! OK I am nervous too but I am excited to make some changes in my life. I am 31yrs old, married and live in a suburb of St.Paul, MN. I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and have no children. I give into my sugar demon alot and I am hoping this will give me the strength to have a new relationship with food. I will be logging my food to keep me accountable. I look forward to meeting all of you

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Hi Ladies - 


I'm on day 12.  Its hard, but also totally do-able.  Make sure you've got your groceries in the house today - some people find they are a little cranky on days 2-3.  You might want to prepare some extra food today.


I roasted a turkey breast each of the Sundays so far in my whole30.  My family enjoyed it as dinner Sunday night and I had leftovers for quick meals and the occasional snack.   A few extra pieces of chicken might work too.



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Hi! I'm starting today (March 9th)! I'm 34 years old and have had random health issues since 2012.  Combine that with a move across the country, a beloved pet dying and an insane amount of stress!  I've been drinking too much, not eating as well as I should etc.  I'm nervous to start this but I guess I have nothing to loose! 

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