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Any other breastfeeding mamas starting tomorrow, March 9th?


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Hi there. My name is Michele and I'm starting my 3rd Whole 30 tomorrow. I completed my first one when my son turned a year old and it changed my life. A few months later I got pregnant and my food aversions led me back to a heavy carb/dairy diet while pregnant with my daughter. I did my second Whole 30 when she was 5 weeks old because I couldn't wait to feel great again. Unfortunately I didn't feel good at all this time. After an extremely hard month, I finished and realized I should have been eating more carbs and an extra meal each day since I was nursing exclusively. It's been a few months and I'm ready to try again. I'm still breastfeeding my now 5 month old but I have a better understanding of how to deal with the intense hunger. I really hope I feel great again and that I lose this belly fat I now have. Hope to connect with more people who are actively Whole 30 ing it right now.

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Hi hyprthing! I am a breastfeeding mama on Day 5....Here's my first post...


'm super excited to be starting the Whole30 today (March 5)! I've been trying to eat Paleo for a few years now, going off track from time to time. Since the birth of my 5 1/2 month old daughter I've really had a hard time staying on track. I didn't have any problems while pregnant because I was borderline with gestational diabetes. I've had really hard time since she was born though. Maybe it was just psychologically knowing I could eat some sweets and pizza here and there and not affect her. I am also breastfeeding and felt like eating everything in sight for the first few months. Well I should have known better because here and there soon came more often and I felt out of control. Worse than feeling out of control, I physically felt just yucky and achy as I always do when wheat and sugar are a part of my life. I believe I have actually gained weight since she was born. It's been so up and down.


I kept reading on some of the blogs I follow that they were starting a Whole30. I finally decided to check it out this week. So glad I did. It's finally time to stop beating myself up for getting off track and gain back the energy and well being that I've missed! I would love to lose the extra weight but the main reason for doing this is to feel better. I know this is the way my body was designed to eat and I know I will soon feel like me again. I'll be exercising again in no time.


I'm looking forward to being a part of this community. I have some support with family and friends, but I do not know anyone that I am close to that eats like this - Everyone thinks I'm so weird most of the time. I'm good with that,though because I am one of the healthiest and happiest people I know! I'm just really looking forward to interacting with others that "get it".

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I'm not a breastfeeding Mum, but I used to be for two of my kids and I just remember I felt hungry a lot - when my daughter was 5 months and very big, I ate so much food and I still kept loosing weight with the huge amount of calories, so I advise you to still eat lots - maybe bigger portions of fat? Excluding sugar and grains is probably going to help you combat the sugar hikes and hunger pangs


I started on 9th March as well :)


Just look after yourself because fatigue (with a baby, lack of sleep, laundry etc. 24/7 job) means that you will be looking for energy boosts like sugar/ I know that at the end of a week at work when I'm so tired in the evening, I didn't care about healthy eating, I just wanted something that would give me energy. 

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This week went well. I definitely had more consistent energy throughout the day. I felt a bit depleted around 4 or 5pm the first few days and I found sipping on coconut milk to really help. Eating sweet potatoes, carrots, and other starchy veggies also made a big difference from my Whole 30 experience a few months ago. Overall I'm really happy with how things are going. The main challenge I foresee is staying prepared with the right food. Hope you all had a great week!

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Also a breastfeeding mama here, starting my second whole30. My kiddo is a toddler but she still nurses enough that I need to be mindful of carbs too. I found purple sweet potatoes to be the most satisfying addition to my whole30 - with ghee and pink sea salt. Yum!

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