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Hi, my name is Paige and I started my first Whole30 on March 1st with a friend. My husband is not doing the Whole30 with me (except for whatever meals I make, but its by accident haha). I am on day 14, and I've only had two bad days so far... Both days came from being unprepared, and have definitely taught me a lesson! (Ahem... one of those days ended with me begging my husband for a bite of his pizza.... I'm not proud.) But I powered on, and I am very excited for the other half of my Whole30! I am lactose intolerant (found this out the week before my Whole30 began) however, I know there is something else I am having problems with as well (maybe more than one other thing). My Whole30 is the definite answer to what food is ailing me... Planning on going at least mostly Paleo after this Whole30 as well... I love eating this way and I love how I feel! By the way, eating out during a whole30 sucks for me... I stopped eating out after the first week because of some accidental butter on a piece of fish (not a good thing for me)... I did not start over because it was an accident, however, I have learned that making sure dairy is nowhere near my plate is a good idea!

Anyway, I'm excited about my new journey and to see how else I will be changed by this Whole30!


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