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Jodie Day 1 - March 16


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Hi all, This is just a quick hello! I'm 43, work full time in communications for Montana State University Extension, am working full-time on my masters degree in healthcare management (online) and am a single mom of two amazing kids (Jackie will be 21 next month and Dylan who is 16). I have Crohn's disease with significant arthritis involvement. Dylan also has Crohn's. I am generally in good health considering my bad health. I'm much more active and have a better diet, I think, than I would if I didn't have to be pretty careful. I'm about 10 pounds overweight. I hurt less when I exercise - running is my sport of choice though I also enjoy swimming. I started this challenge because I'm feeling considerable joint pain again and just don't want to! I have tried a million things for my Crohn's and am skeptical of "fads". I like a lot I've read about Whole 30 and willing to give it a whole-hearted try. So that's me. I look forward to getting to know folks on this forum. It looks like a friendly, helpful group. jd 

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Hi Lisa, thanks for the shout-out! I will let you know :)! So far so good - on day 4 and not feeling awful as I thought I might. The only thing I've found sort of not reasonable is avoiding snacks. It has definitely been a long term MUST for me to eat multiple small meals throughout the day, as opposed to three larger meals. I've had a couple of surgeries (resections) and have scar tissue that narrows my bowels significantly. I don't handle a lot of bulk. Because I've seen clear personal problems with only eating three times/day and have had good success for more than 8 years (I've had Crohn's for 20) with "grazing", I'm continuing to do this. It is really the only way I can consume vegetables - a little at a time! Other than that, I'm following the normal plan exactly (the AIP doesn't seem science based to me). Anyway, I'll stay in touch!


Wishing you the very best on this journey!



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