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Day One!


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I was thinking about starting in April, and I wondered to myself.  Why wait when I can be 5 days ahead of schedule?  I couldn't wait honestly.  I just started reading about Whole30 less than a week ago and I was super invested rather quickly!  I love it so far, but that's what people say I would feel.  I am really excited!  I didn't take any before pictures, which I feel I should do.  Staying off the scale will be difficult too.  But I know I'll be able to make it.  I think the second week will be the hardest, when all the novelty wears off and I want to eat at my job.  (I work at CHICK-FIL-A!)  So far all I've seen I can eat there is the fruit cup.  So much added sugar everywhere!  Shopping is so hard!  I need more suggestions on that.  I love to cook so I made some cauliflower "fried rice" for dinner.  

I want a good way of documenting this so I guess I might make a blog or maybe just stick to Instagram.  I just wish I had more support from home or friends, but everyone just thinks I'm crazy!  Okay, enough ranting!  All that to say, Hi!  I'm Alanna!  If anyone else started recently let me know!  I would love to exchange instagrams or even phone numbers!  I want an accountability partner for this!

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