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Starting March 30th! Olympic weightlifter from Norwich, UK


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Hey Whole 30ers!


My name's Sam, I'm an Olympic weightlifter/grad student based in Norwich, England and I'm starting March 30th with my girlfriend along for the ride. She's a final year med student and very interested to see how our self-experiment works out!


A little about me:


- I've just moved back from Paris after living there for 4 months as an English teacher

- I've just committed to a full time weightlifting program with Mash Elite Weightlifting-  based in NC and headed up by one of my heroes, Travis Mash

- I lost 10lbs on a body-building style diet at the start of this year - I felt great for cutting out bread and  sugar but had some questions about the sweeteners and additives used in protein powders/concerns about eating a lot of synthetic products

- Stupid Easy Paleo led me to Whole 30!

- One of my goals is to sit comfortably in the -75kg class for weightlifting - I'm currently at 77kg so not too far to go. ;)

- My main goal is to free myself from scale watching - particularly since I've lost weight, I find I'm seeking reassurance from it a lot.


Please tell me about yourselves/let me know if you're starting at the same time/share some tips if you have them!



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I'm on day 26 of my second whole 30.  The biggest tip I have is to plan ahead.  Do a huge grocery shopping trip, buy an obscene amount of veggies and meats, come home and cook them all up.  If they are ready for you, you are more likely to stay on track.  Unprepared and hungry is bad.  Make sure you are familiar with the meal template before starting and stick with it.  It really will change the way you think about food and eating.  I lost 6lbs on my first whole 30 (over a year ago).  I'm not sure if I've lost any this time around, but if I have it's not much.  But, I feel great and my cravings are zero...even at night when I usually am dying for a snack.  There are plenty of blogs with whole 30 recipes so you shouldn't get bored with your food.

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