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Starting April 1 - First Time


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Hi All ~


Hubby and I are starting our first Whole30 April 1.  I am 56, he is 53.  We are both overweight & both struggle with aches & pains; I have pretty crappy knees, but other than that we are pretty healthy, I think.  I recently lost 75lbs, but have allowed life's stresses to send me back in to a sugar/ carb frenzy... and admittedly got lazy... so have gained some back & am extremely unhappy with myself, but not defeated.  I have a super high-stress job in a very negative environment that will in NO WAY be supportive of my efforts... but the good thing is I know that going in & can prepare for it... somewhat.  Looking forward to this journey!

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Hey there! I am Belu, 18yo argentinian girl, and I am starting the Whole30 on April too. Sadly, nobody knows about the program in my country, and I couldn't find anyone willing to try it. However, my parents are supportive of me (even though they eat like crap and are not willing to tag along) and that helps. 

 I hope we can help each other throughout this journey! Best of luck!

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Hi Ladies ~

I am so willing to be as much help & encouragement to each of you as I'm sure you will be for me.  Honesty time though - I am not able to start today because of some major changes in life.  My husband had lost his job (but started a new one today!!!) and we are down one vehicle so we are faced with that challenge right now too.  SO, I wasn't able to prepare as much as I needed so rather than start unprepared, and setting myself up to fail, I am starting Monday, the 6th.  Can we still work together though do you think?  I'd love it if we could!

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