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Nursing - Day 3 Supply Drop

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Hello! I am on day 3 of the Whole 30 and I've noticed a significant decrease in output in my pumping supply today. The last session I just did, I usually pump 4 oz and I only got 1.5 oz. When I've tried to restrict what I was eating before it has made a negative impact on my supply. I was hoping doing this program would be different. 


So far, I've tried to make sure I drink a lot of water, it's 12 pm and I've had at least 40 oz of water so far. For breakfast, I had two eggs fried in ghee, 2 roasted chicken thighs and a sweet potato. I also drank a can of coconut milk since I read that should help my supply. I was hungry around snack time so I had a banana and almond butter. For lunch I have brought chili, spaghetti squash,  roasted brussel sprouts and half a sweet potato. 


Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I do not have a freezer stash, so it is imperative that I pump enough daily to feed my 8 month old so. At this point, I really do not want to have to supplement with formula because of this program. 


Thank you!

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You need AT LEAST four FULL meals per day, plus that can of coconut milk. This plan is NOT about restricting. We want you to eat!


1. 1-2 palms of protein (aim for two at least)

2. 1-2 OR MORE thumbs of fat (aim for OR MORE)

3. 2-4 cups of veggies (aim for 4 at least)


Do that four times a day, at least, more if you need more. Eat, eat, eat. Then eat some more. No snacking. Meals. And keep that can of coconut milk handy. No restricting. Eat.

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