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My Whole30 starts today, no joke!


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No April Fool's day joke here, I'm so excited to start my first Whole30 today!


I read It Starts With Food last August 2014, but was unable to commit to doing a Whole30 then. I've been eating mostly paleo since then and have already seen a difference in my energy levels. I truly believe that it's a sustainable and ideal way of eating for me, however I've been a bit too lax with "cheat days", paleo treats and the "must-have" glass of wine with dinner. I'm finally ready to commit to doing a Whole30 and I believe that it will give me that extra push to "just say NO!" to those sugar demons, get rid of those last few stubborn pounds, and to help me to feel great overall. 


I'm so ready & so glad to be a part of this community!

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