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Starting on a weekend..crazy? Maybe :-P


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Hi everyone!  My name is Maria and I am so excited to reset my body and get going with Whole30!!  I am having a "going away" party at Happy Hour tonight (to my acquaintances Mr. Martini and Blue Moon), using Friday to make a meal plan and shop, and heading down the road to better health on Saturday.  Weekends can be my busiest time, so I am jumping in feet first and getting the hard part of planning and having snacks and meals on hand, while running around crazy, out of the way.  Yes, I am my own worst enemy.  I am also purposely starting Saturday so that I don't give myself free reign to snarf as much Easter chocolate as possible.  Yay!  So happy to join the rest of the community and share in everyone's trials and triumphs  :D

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