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Day 1, April 3! I am committed! (with motivation board for when I forget!)


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I started my very first Whole 30 today! I've spent almost 3 weeks now planning and prepping for these 30 days. I want this time to truly be the start of a new life.


I made a binder filled with all the handouts from the Whole30 website, tips, articles, etc. as well as lots and lots of recipes and ingredient combinations from ISWF!


I've got a journal where I'm keeping track of what I'm eating and how I'm feeling physically AND emotionally through this journey. I can't wait to look back and see how much my approach to food and eating will have changed.


Finally, knowing that there will be many hard moments and days ahead, I made a poster that I put up in my room to remind me of all the reasons why I am doing this.



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Hi!  April 3rd was my husband and I's start date as well!  I have also been preparing for about a month.  I wanted to start in March but some major things came up that I decided to postpone for.


I love your motivation board!  So awesome.  I still need to take my beginning pictures.  Oops.  I did get my measurements though.  My motivation are my three daughters so they are constantly in front of me as a reminder lol.

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