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Re-Starting April 8th


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Restarting, Yep had some bad decisions today, which was day 2. So restarting tomorrow, April 8th. Anyone else looking to start tomorrow? I am struggling with this first week, work stress is one of my largest triggers. I am not position how to overcome this fully. I work from home, so when I head out to a friends, family, or errand this can be another trigger if I am hungry. Well today threw both at me, popped over to visit my parents after a very long and stressful work day. I should have had dinner before going :( but I am now more prepared for tomorrow with this new insight!

I hope that the whole30 will help me to identify foods that irritate my stomach and disrupt my sleep cycles. I have had fairly bad insomnia for many years, though it is far worse now. The only major change in my life is my eating habits...so really hoping for improved sleep quality! I also would like to drop my slowly added 25lbs.

Anyway, looking for some like minds looking to start (or restart) tomorrow, Wed, April 8th.

Looking forward to it!


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Yes dog, those sneaky sugars are EVERYWHERE!  Ugh.  I have never read so many labels before in my life!


I too am getting the daily emails.... love, love them! 


Just completely day 3 and feeling pretty good physically and really confident mentally.  My meals today were all delish!  I'm enjoying a dinner of meatballs, zuke and shrooms  all sautéed in olive oil and now smothered in italian herbed tomato sauce.  Can't say spaghetti sauce anymore since there is no spaghetti involved...LOL... and honestly, i don't even miss the pasta.  We had a potluck at work today and I brought a beautiful Waldorf Salad made with homemade mayo (my first attempt and darn good if I do say so myself).  So I just had a huge bowl of the salad and skipped right passed all the mac cheese and BBQ pulled pork sandwiches and chips and cookies.


I know we have some tough days ahead... but hey, it's only 30 days.  Well.. 27 now!  we can do this!!

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I too got caught by a sneaky sugar today! I was not paying enough attention and ended up with sugar in my hot tea, I did not realize it was in the blend at the shop! I will start again tomorrow, I also signed up for the emails and love them!

I am very prepared, food wise for the weekend. I have meals planned out and ready to make. I am going to make mayo (from well fed) this weekend too, I cannot wait! It looks like it will be a cool science experiment! I also picked up a pressure cooker today to help with fast and healthy weeknight meals

Meal 1 is still my hard one, what have you guys been having for your first meal?

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pamprw, breakfast has always been difficult for me....many days I would just have coffee and flavored cream (and lots of it) as breakfast and not eat actual food till lunch (and then over eat the rest of the day, of course).


So eating within an hour of waking up has been INCREDIBLY challenging.  But.... I found my Holy Grail!  I saute shredded sweet potatoes with garlic powder, S&P, then add a chicken apple sausage, two eggs over easy, and half an avo.  The creamy yummy eggs all over the potatoes and the the rest  (along with the salty and sweet aspect that I love) is just working for me!  I have had it 3 out of the 4 days so far!  try it!... or modify it to something that fills your 'comfort food' hole.  Maybe it reminds me of my childhood or something.  I don't know, but at least I am eating breakfast every day and i think it is compliant.  I am just making sure to get lots of other veggies (especially leafy green ones) the rest of the day.  I love food, love to cook, love all veggies, all food.... but for some reason just not at 7am.  So I'll be creative and use all the other wonderful foods for lunches and dinners.


Before Whole30, I was pretty much all about P&P (protein and produce) so this isn't a big stretch for me. Grilled Chicken, asparagus, and a salad was a typical dinner. but... I only used Bleu Cheese dressing.  I haven't really made any salads yet on Whole 30 (and I DO love them), I think I just need to find a substitute creamy dressing... I am not big on oil and vinegar.  Any ideas??  Maybe with my homemade mayo?  That is my quest today.


Happy day 4!

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I have been trying to remember that in the book you have to eat three meals. So for my morning meal I had Bulletproof Coffee (coffee with 1 TBS ghee +1TBS coconut oil) some leftover steak and some tomatoes.

I do sometimes have a big spinach salad with avocado, steak or chicken, olive oil (Lucero is really good!) and add a running fried egg that was cooked in a tsp of ghee. I also reheat the protein. Between the avocado, egg, olive oil, and the heated protein (in a tsp of ghee) it's pretty moist. I don't need the dressing.

Am loving spaghetti squash mixed with eggs and then scrambled. You can add other veggies if you want. I've been nuking the squash ahead & keep a container in the fridge.

Weekends are always tough!!! Told friends I am not drinking....

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Oh my that sounds amazing! I love sweet potatoes and eggs together. That is a very creative meal 1! I will give it a try tomorrow morning.

I did a couple frittatas last week with peppers, onions, broccoli, and some homemade turkey sausage. Yummy but got a little boring by the end of the week.

I also have a tendency to not eat breakfast, coffee with a little cream was my thing as well. I also miss breakfast breads, not muffins, but just a none sweetened fruity bread option. But clearly this is a habit that must go!

I have also not tried a whole 30 salad. I like them as well though but normally do a lot of dressing. I think you can make a yummy salad dressing with your homemade mayo, there are a few recipes for dressings in the well fed cookbook. I can send you a couple tonight! I would also try googling to see if you can find an alternate. Blue cheese might be harder to replicate, since no cheese. I have heard great things about the site nom nom paleo there may be some Asian inspired dressings there.

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I did find a coupl creamy dressings:

Italian - 1/2 tsp dried Italian herb blend, 1/4 cup whole 30 mayo, 1/2 clove garlic, 2 tbsp vinegar (balsamic, wine or cider), S&P to taste

Ranch - 1/4 cup whole 30 mayo, 1/2 clove garlic, 1/8 tsp paprika, 2 tbsp fresh parsley minced, 2 tsp dried chives, 1/2 tsp lemon juice, S&P to taste

Both recipes are from well fed, which is the very best cookbook!

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thanks pamprw!  I will try these dressings tomorrow for sure!


dog, I have cooked spaghetti squash in the fridge... will try your scramble tomorrow just to mix things up!


Yay...another day down.  Only 26 to go!

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