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Starting the Whole 30 program April 23rd


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Hello everyone and anyone,

I am a new mother of a fabulous 10 month old baby boy, and I am also fatigued, plagued by hormone imbalance and rosacea, tunnel vision and on the physique end of things, I just don't know how to dress myself anymore.

I've talked to a nutritionist and a doctor, and they recommended this program. I am still breastfeeding and plan to continue for a bit longer. I was concerned how this diet would affect that. They said that as long as I drank plenty of water and made sure I got good carbohydrates from certain fruits, sweet potatoes and the like, I would be okay. In fact, they suggested that I might feel better and my son might end up feeling positive effects as well!

Anyhow, I've decided to start preparing now, and commit to begin the program on April 23rd. I thought that would be adequate time to really plan, especially when it's hard to plan anything these days.

Thanks! I'll probably reach out with questions and concerns as the 30 days creep closer!

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Hi Moozerb,


This would be my second Whole 30! I was thinking of doing another one since I had such great results from my last one in January. All of my acne cleared up, I don't feel or look nearly as bloated, and (as a side note) I lost 15 lbs. 


Get ready! It's one heck of a ride!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Jenny!


I started yesterday (instead of last week) but I eased into it a bit last week to get prepared.  I'm feeling pretty good about the prospects and I'm having fun getting creative with cooking!  


It feels easy when I'm by myself, at home, with minimal commitments.  I'm curious what happens when my husband returns from his work trip, or I go out for a meal, or I'm out somewhere and I'm super hungry.  I guess I'll find out!  


I've tried to commit myself to programs similar to this in the past and rarely have made it through.  I'm pretty determined to see this through to the end to really try and figure out what's going on inside this body of mine!


Thanks again for the words of support Jenny!  Good luck on your second round!



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