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Starting Tomorrow


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A co-worker had told me about the whole30. At first I was not sure about it, but I desperate for some help with my food battle I decided to buy and had read the book and tried the whole30 for 30 days about 3 months ago. I have to say it was very eye opening I was amazed at how great i felt how my stomach did not bother me anymore, how I had more energy and was super excited about the new way of eating. But my old ways cheeped back and when back to my old eating habits. Not happy with were I am going and how I am feeling I realized  that whole30 is the right thing for me to do. So I have reread the book again and as of tomorrow I am back on track with my new life style. 

A little about my past I have been over weight 95% of my life at one time I was  close to if not 300 lbs. But being tired of were I was going, in my mid 20 I  started to exercise and taught myself a little about nutrition with bumps along the way. had gotten down to 168 and was feeling great. :D.  Then in my early 30's I had gotten pregnant with my last child had some injuries that limited me to little to no exercise  and the weight started coming back and here I am today @ 215. Not a good place :(. Now at 50 I need to lose the weight, become healthy and learn and live a new life style that will keep me there, and I know that whole30 will help me to achieve it.  :).

Thanks for reading 


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