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Day 31 Update


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I am so excited to write my first update on this site!


I just finished my 30 days yesterday and just thrilled with how Whole30 worked for me!

A little background: I went to the doctor for a knee issue I have about 5 weeks ago (ugh, so annoying) and he was pretty firm in telling me that I needed to lose 20 lbs, both for inflammation and to help with pressure on my knee. Of course what I heard was "my doctor just called me fat". But he was right - my BMI was 27 and my pants were tight. So after a girls weekend with friends and discussing various "diet" options I found that Whole30 made sense for what I needed and what I could do. I started it fairly blindly that following Monday and desperately starting to research and learn what it actually was as the week went on. I eventually gave up coffee my second week because without my vanilla creamer, it wasn't worth it.


My first week was actually really easy. I felt normal and I felt in control. My second week is when my body started to feel awesome, but I was tired a lot, especially when 7:30pm rolled around. I still struggle with that a little, but not in a bad way. I think it's my body's way of saying "you're done, you're all out of energy, go to bed!" As a non-morning person I notice that I wake up BEFORE my alarm and I tend to wake up more alert than I usually do. Perhaps it has something to do with bypassing red wine every.single.evening. 


I'm down 7.5lbs and plenty of inches (though I didn't measure on Day 1, but I've lost 4.5" in the last 11 days from when I did finally measure). My clothes fit so much better and I feel motivated!



- Energy: While I didn't get Tiger Blood, I did get a very consistent energy all day long, especially after lunch which is when food como used to set in

- Cravings: I am pleased to say that most of my cravings disappeared pretty soon. I didn't battle the Sugar Dragon, but a glass of wine still sounds nice. I even had a blind date a few weeks and just ordered club soda with a lime with confidence. A blind date was NOT worth any temptations!

- Exercise: Feeling trimmer and having good energy allowed me to feel motivated to workout again. It helps with those tank tops fit better! Not to mention the discipline with Whole30 helped me have discipline with Physical Therapy to improve my knee and I feel TONS better in all areas.

- Social life: I tried my best to entertain as a way to control my environment and ensure I wouldn't be tempted. My friends and family were very supportive and they loved being a guest and having someone else cook!

- Mood: I found that I'm consistently HAPPY! No "blue" moments or impacts from PMS. I feel cheerful and excited and I hope that continues for many months to come as I integrate this into my lifestyle.

- Pride: I just feel dang proud of myself for sticking with something for 30 days. It feels very "can do". And like the book said, "this is not hard, beating cancer is hard." My mom had cancer and my sister has MS, so surely I can give up a few measly temptations in an attempt to be healthy!



Honestly, aside from lots of dishes and Tupperware usage, I don't have any. It was all worth it. I know this sounds cheesy, but it's true. I was motivated and felt the benefits early on. Some people might say a con was the fact I overly talked about Whole30 ALL the time and tried to convince the world to join me. I'm up to 4 people who joined during my 30 days which is awesome!


Good luck fellow Whole30-ers. Just put your nose down, try to enjoy the [compliant] food that is already in your routine and enjoy the food you can have! 


I'm still on it today and plan go for another 15 or even 30 days. I still have 12.5lbs to lose, I feel good, and this will make summer (clothes/swimsuits) all the sweeter with a little more discipline! It's fun to see how changing my view on food truly impacted the other parts of my life.

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