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Hi everyone.  I'm new here but read the book It Starts With Food, and after some serious planning I decided to start today. My eating habits are not good.  I rarely eat breakfast, eat sugar, sugar, sugar, all day and drink tons of diet coke.  I also am a binge eater with over 100lbs to lose. I am in so much pain in all of my joints, My foot hurts, I am riddled with arthritis and have little to no energy.  I hit my bottom.  I can't stand looking at myself anymore and I have wanted to be healthy for so long but have done nothing about it. I no I just have to do this but wonder if I should have given up one thing at a time.  I already have a headache because I have had no caffeine and I want soda so badly.  I a so worried I won't be able to handle my withdrawal from sugar and soda. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired  I really want to do the whole 30.  Also, I went for a physical and my blood glucose came back 109 which is borderline diabetic.  Something has to change. I am an all or none person also so this type of plan seems like it would be the best for me.  I just want to be healthy yesterday.  lol.  I know this is going to be hard no question.  But if I could get rid of 1/4 of the pain i have  I will be so happy.  I thought I need to get some support so here I am.  Hoping to meet some new people to do this together with or that have gone through this and maybe has some advice.  

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Welcome! I think you sound like you're in a great frame of mind- you feel an absolute need to change. Yes, it can be challenging. Yes, I anticipate you absolutely will have withdrawl from all the processed food you've been putting in your body. But do this: write down all the reasons you are starting, all the things you can no longer tolerate in your life (pain, lack of energy, feeling sick and tired, pre-diabetes), and refer to these when you need strength to get through the crappy days, the cravings, etc. Start making another list, of all the beautiful things about yourself and your life that you can build on and draw strength from. One of the non-scale benefits I don't see talked about too much on here is the confidence I gained, and internal strength from making it 30 days no cheats no slips, no excuses. Did I know I was worth it? Yes. Did I think I could really really make it, no cheats??? I wasn't so sure. But I did, and if I can do it, anyone can. I am far from an expert, I did one whole 30 in jan-fen of this year, and I am still finding my way through, but health is worth more than anything else.

You got this!!!

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today is my first day too.  I actually failed at day 13 before (it was Easter).  So I am back and I am determined to complete 30 days.  I know that you gave up soda, which has a lot of caffeine.  Did you think about having a little black coffee to take the edge off?  It can help unless you are determined to be caffeine free.  I have tried to give it up many times and I have failed.  I only drink 1-2 cups but it does have a somewhat negative effect on me.    I know how it feels to have achy joints, that is one of the reasons why I am doing this.  Good luck tomorrow!

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Thank you for your kind words MTNan.  You're so right about confidence. That is one thing I am so hoping to gain from this.  Congratulations on your 30 days.  I would love to hear more if you would.  What were your struggles?  What is it like now?  I appreciate you vote of confidence in me.. 


never2late, Thank you for sharing what your going through and the idea about the coffee.  The thing is I don't drink coffee.  I never have but always wanted to I could never stand the taste.  Sounds funny I'm sue.  So many people love it and I think it smells so delicious.  How neat we both started today.  Congratulations on picking yourself back up and giving it another try.  Have you given up soda?  I would love to chat more.  

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Hi _Allie! Thanks for posting. I'm starting tomorrow. I've planned, cooked some today and am ready to go!


Don't be afraid about not conquoring the sugar and caffeine addictions. Know that you can do anything you put your mind to. I know you can!

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Hi _ALLIE, how are things going?

You asked about my struggles: time in the kitchen was an issue off and on - and I have always cooked, love to be in the kitchen, so for someone who doesn't enjoy it, I can see whee that would be a big obstacle. Also, breakfast! I was always a granola or breakfast bar and fruit kind of gal. I found I enjoyed sweet potatoes, spinach, and eggs, with half an avocado best. That is still what I eat every morning now.

Things that are easier now: I don't scour every label for compliance, and don't stress out over a little added sugar in a product now and again. Since I cook a vast majority of our meals from scratch, I figure this is a reasonable, sustainable method for my family.

Things that are harder: I am finding myself unable to stay away from afternoon snacking. I eat lunch around 11, and dinner isn't usually until 7, so I think it's not unreasonable to allow myself a snack, but I need to get back to a whole30-type snack! Life is a journey, I am a work in progress, and life is beautiful!


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