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Starting today 4/21!


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I started reading It Starts with Food about 10 days ago and now I feel informed and ready! Some of my friends who have done this before me will laugh, as I was the one rolling my eyes like "I could never do that".  I guess timing is everything. I had a beautiful plate of eggs and veggies for breakfast, and my 7 year old son looked at it and said "Wow, that looks good!".  So I'll take that as a good sign that my family is on board with me on this. I don't have a lot of health problems (fortunately) but I would love to have more energy and less sugar cravings. Losing 10 pounds wouldn't be bad either. My husband and I both work full time and in addition to that we're running around after our 5 & 7 year old children, so we need all the energy we can get. I bet my hubby will get on board with me in the next few days when he sees all the yummy food I am eating. Wish me luck! 

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