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Starting May 4


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I'm going to start on May 4th, with my husband and son. I have a major event on the 2nd and 3rd so we are waiting till the 4th. Pay day is once a month so I can't shift mid month. I'm type 2 diabetic-uncontrolled and I'm morbifly obese, so something has to give. hope this works!

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I'm going to start on May 4th, with my husband and son. I have a major event on the 2nd and 3rd so we are waiting till the 4th. Pay day is once a month so I can't shift mid month. I'm type 2 diabetic-uncontrolled and I'm morbifly obese, so something has to give. hope this works!


Hi! I'm planning on starting May 4th too! This will be my second round. I did a Whole 30 in January and at the end I felt amazing. I had so much energy and I was sleeping so soundly. 


Fast forward to now: I have a broken bone in my foot that doctor's can't seem to agree on how to treat. I've been in pain, and forced to stay home more and sit. The sitting leads to eating, the eating has become unhealthy, and I've started to gain weight.  I need to feel better, and I need to get this bone healing! 


Lynnesgarden, be my buddy? We can do this! I don't know about you but I need someone to keep me accountable this time.

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