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Starting May 5th - mental preparation starts now!


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I currently follow a primal/paleo-esque program and often consume whole 30-type meals - grain's do tend sneak their way in from time to time, but only in very small doses. Soooo... one would think that this may not be a huge change for me...one would think.


I have already given up all of the foods that are not compliant with a primal diet and I have been okay with that, I now dislike the foods that I have given up due to the physical impact they have on me, which I am now aware of; but the thought of giving up my yacon syrop and whole milk in my morning coffee...that just makes me sad. Waking up before everyone else and having a coffee and my morning read in silence - that is my happy place, it brings me joy. I do not enjoy black coffee. And then there's the wine :o, I may just shed a silent tear over that one.   #whole30problems. So that's where the mental preparation comes in, I'm going to have to be creative here.


What I DOOOOO like is the countless number of responses as to the abundant positive outcomes, and after seeing Melissa Hartwig speak live at a book signing this week, I am in (wholly) - thanks for the insight Melissa! To be as fruitful as the previous participants, pain-free and have more energy for my son, I would give up anything for that (especially the later of the two)!




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