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1st Whole 30, May 1


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Hi Everybody!! We did it! YAY, Congratulations to all!! It has literally taken me until today to figure out how to respond/post from my phone! Last I posted was about feeling a bit light headed. I ultimately went to the dr about that. My blood pressure was too low. I've always run a bit low but it was on the lower end of low. Nothing a little more salt & water couldn't fix! Any way, here is my Whole 30 review:


I slept like a baby almost immediately upon starting. I am sleepy at bedtime and I wake up refreshed and ready to go. BUT I only slept 8-9 hours the first 3 or 4 nights. Since then I get a solid 7 hours and that's it. I wake up but I FEEL like I slept 9 hours so I'll take it.

I have not taken ANY allergy medicine at all since April 30th. Only 2 days, one of which was just last week, did I even feel the slightest but symptomatic. I had been for a long walk in a wooded area and I got that tingle in the back of my throat that normally signals an on coming itching/sneezing attack. It didn't happen. No congestion. No runny nose. No itchy, watery eyes. Nothing.

My skin is literally glowing. I've never had a skin condition and nice skin runs in my family but my normally "nice" skin is radiant if I may say so myself.

I have had ONE hot flash in the past 30 days and can we talk about sex here? I don't want to offend anyone but my husband (who only ate Whole 30 dinners w/me) thinks Whole30 is the best thing since sliced bread. That's probably all I should say about that.

AND I lost 12 pounds. That is crazy to me. I've been trying to lose the same 10-20 pounds for nearly as many years. My clothes fit... ALL of them. It is mind boggling that I'm eating more food and specifically more fat than I ever have and I'm losing weight. I could weep.


I missed having a cocktail/glass of wine. I'm having one tonight. I miss cheese. That will be the next thing I reintroduce. If that works out I could make this a Whole Rest of My Life. I can't think of anything else that tastes as good to me as I feel right now. I honestly didn't even know I didn't feel good until I started feeling great.

The only other thing is that I never got to a place where I had my usual energy for my workouts. I could get through them but not with the same vigor. I felt like I was dragging myself along. I'm sure wine & cheese won't help that!

I can't scroll up to see your name, but girl in the pics, you look great! I can't wait to hear from the rest of you.

God bless!

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Hi Everybody!! We did it! YAY, Congratulations to all!! It has literally taken me until today to figure out how to respond/post from my phone! Last I posted was about feeling a bit light headed. I ultimately went to the dr about that. My blood pressure was too low. I've always run a bit low but it was on the lower end of low. Nothing a little more salt & water couldn't fix! Any way, here is my Whole 30 review:


I slept like a baby almost immediately upon starting. I am sleepy at bedtime and I wake up refreshed and ready to go. BUT I only slept 8-9 hours the first 3 or 4 nights. Since then I get a solid 7 hours and that's it. I wake up but I FEEL like I slept 9 hours so I'll take it.

I have not taken ANY allergy medicine at all since April 30th. Only 2 days, one of which was just last week, did I even feel the slightest but symptomatic. I had been for a long walk in a wooded area and I got that tingle in the back of my throat that normally signals an on coming itching/sneezing attack. It didn't happen. No congestion. No runny nose. No itchy, watery eyes. Nothing.

My skin is literally glowing. I've never had a skin condition and nice skin runs in my family but my normally "nice" skin is radiant if I may say so myself.

I have had ONE hot flash in the past 30 days and can we talk about sex here? I don't want to offend anyone but my husband (who only ate Whole 30 dinners w/me) thinks Whole30 is the best thing since sliced bread. That's probably all I should say about that.

AND I lost 12 pounds. That is crazy to me. I've been trying to lose the same 10-20 pounds for nearly as many years. My clothes fit... ALL of them. It is mind boggling that I'm eating more food and specifically more fat than I ever have and I'm losing weight. I could weep.


I missed having a cocktail/glass of wine. I'm having one tonight. I miss cheese. That will be the next thing I reintroduce. If that works out I could make this a Whole Rest of My Life. I can't think of anything else that tastes as good to me as I feel right now. I honestly didn't even know I didn't feel good until I started feeling great.

The only other thing is that I never got to a place where I had my usual energy for my workouts. I could get through them but not with the same vigor. I felt like I was dragging myself along. I'm sure wine & cheese won't help that!

I can't scroll up to see your name, but girl in the pics, you look great! I can't wait to hear from the rest of you.

God bless!

Thank you!

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