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Started April 28th Day 3 and feeling optimistic


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I have started so many different food programs.  The problem for me is not the starting part, it is in the follow through.  My goals are to lose weight (I'm about 40 lbs heavier than I'd like to be), feel healthier, have more energy, go the 30 days, and incorporate the changes into a long term healthier life style.

In the past I have always found reasons/excuses to get off track. I really am determined to follow this through to the letter and would appreciate any encouragement, support or helpful anecdotes.  The last 2 days have been good...only minimally challenging.  The nights after the workday are always the most challenging times.  Red wine and coffee cream (half and half) are the items I have been most challenged to delete from my daily/weekly intake.  With all this, I am feeling optimistic. I'm tired of beating myself up for the way I look with the extra weight and the way I feel in my body. 

I can do this!!!!

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