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Today's Day 1


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My Whole30 begins today, May 2.  I was apprehensive to post this as I have a fear of failure but know I need to turn that around to failure is not an option!  I have a chicken in the crockpot for supper.  I also made scotch eggs and chocolate chili - both recipes from theclothesmakethegirl.com cookbook Well Fed.  I have veges in the frig and ro water at the sink...I'm ready to go.

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crockpot roast chicken, asparagus, and baked potatoes for us for dinner.  Sounds like we've got today covered!  I find my self worried (already) about what I will feed my family tomorrow night...the rest of the day is planned.  The planning is the hardest when not everyone in the fam is eating whole30

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Day 3...I went to the gym this morning, ate a scotch egg for my pre-workout along with coffee with coconut milk.  Chicken salad for lunch with sweet potato crunchies.  I feel much better today - no more angry, poor me feelings!!  Now off to the grocery store to get what I need for a stuffed cabbage supper.  Chin up, marching on.....

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