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Today is the Day!


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My launch day - today - is drawing to an end...  It started rather inauspiciously.  Could not sleep straight through last night (probably at least partly because of poor diet) and so read most of the Whole30 book. Thought why not just go ahead and start...there is no time like the present. And it felt good to take a step in the right direction this morning!  Told several family members and friends at work so that accountability is in place. Made it through breakfast and lunch with "approved" items on hand and then had a grand adventure in the grocery store after work reading product labels, figuring out initial menu selections, etc.  Just finished preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner ahead of time for tomorrow with some leftovers for the days ahead because I know that it will be easy to look for any excuse not to stick with this.  I believe a big factor in any success experienced will be prayer as well and welcome this opportunity to ask for God's help in being a better steward of the body He gave me!  I did not want to end the day without making this public commitment online.  So there you have it!  

OK - 1 down; 29 to go!  Pressing on with hope!



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