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M&J Post-Whole 30 #1

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The boyfriend (J) and I finished our first whole 30 in late February.  We felt wonderful, energetic, committed and ready to keep going.  I didn't really want to reintroduce anything other than an occasional glass of wine, but J did, so we have slowly brought things back into our diet.


I'll try some cheese or bread now and then, but I usually avoid it because I just don't want it.  That's very strange for me, as cheese was always one of my favorite foods.  I was an avid baker, but now sweets are just too much.  I had half of a cupcake the other day, because there was no way I could eat a whole one.  I never thought I would be that person.  But I have found, I love it.  I love the way I feel.  I love my body as it is now, a few pounds lighter, but somehow much leaner.  I honestly don't understand how that happened, but I love it.  My weight isn't changing, but my body is. 


My biggest issue has been dealing with others that somehow feel threatened by what I eat.  People seem to be threatened that I have vegetables for breakfast, or an amazing salad for lunch.  They're amazed that I don't use dressing on my salad (I almost never did before whole 30 anyway... I want to taste my veggies!) and that I'm not jealous of their pizza or take out chinese food.  They sit with their lean cuisine or french fries and tell me how good my food looks and smells.


But the best part to me is that I might be encouraging others to try whole 30 without preaching.  People ask me what I've done, and I tell them about it.  No judgement.  Yes, I thought it would be terrible and I'd never make it.  But in truth, it was easy.  I do well with defined rules like whole 30.  My mom, who had a big health scare in December, and my sister are now both considering doing a whole 30 together.  I'm trying to encourage that without being pushy.  It was their idea, and I support it completely. 


So that gets us up to date.  Here's to a summer of continued healthy eating!  I'm hoping to start the couch to 5k program as well, just to get myself moving more.  Wish me luck!

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I think I've been too cocky.  Or lazy.  I'm not sure.  I love eating in the whole 30 style, but I find myself more and more making bad choices, just because things are there.  That's just silly.  I know I don't feel as good when I do that.  I'm going to work on cleaning up my eating over the next few weeks, and thinking more about what I'm putting into my body.  I don't want to go back to how I felt before. 

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