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Day 28 - a bad start that ended up good


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So, I guess I need to come clean. I came to Whole30 with a history of two eating disorders, one at 19 and one just last year (39). I've never been really skinny and I have been really overweight. My body doesn't seem to do what others do, hence the eating disorders. To get weight off quickly, I end up starving myself because it's the only way it seems to shift. A couple of years ago I came across the concept of food intolerance and did a more extreme elimination diet (accelerated version of this I guess, really not so healthy, nutrient deficient big style!). I discovered a massive intolerance to gluten and thought that was the answer. Of course it has been so much more complicated than that. At one point it seemed as though I would have to give up everything and it nearly broke me psychologically. I gave up all processed foods, eggs, beef, most nuts... One day I found my tiger blood. It was amazing. And then about six weeks later it left. I never knew why...

Took a long time to recover from what eventually became another eating disorder (although I was only just about a regular weight). And I swung the other way and started to feed my sugar dragon big style, little bit more every day...not so good, but I focussed on meditation, exercise, trying to keep balance.

I started whole30 with my husband, wanting to get a healthy relationship with food. Of course I wanted to lose weight and I was determined not to let it be THE thing about whole30, to be in it for the long term. I made a decision I would never weigh myself again and I did no measures at all before I started.

It has been an interesting journey, generally easy with the food (tastebuds back with vengeance and I have made some seriously yummy food thanks to all the recipes out there - I love to cook!). And no tiger blood. Not even a taster. And whilst my husband has shed weight (not weighed himself yet, but his clothes are completely loose!) I know this is not my path. Even without the scales I can tell to the minutiae what's going on for me. Generally my mind has been able to handle it. Two days ago I cut out eggs (I love them and I know they are the thing that's getting in the way...maybe nuts too if I'm honest).

This morning I woke up with a blinding headache. It knocked me for six - on day 28??? My husband bound out of bed and put on a newly loose pair of trousers and it all got too much for me. And then we had a great chat - I know this is going to take longer for me and I will find the balance. It is coming already. Here's what the whole30 has done for me so far, it's important I celebrate it right?

- I used to wake up every night with throbbing pain in my hips. It was gone by day 5.

- my skin is glowing. Dry itchy skin in my ears has gone completely. My traditionally dry skin feels like baby skin even when I get out of the bath (and I'm 40 for goodness sake!)

- I don't crave sweet stuff all the time any more AND I can totally laugh at my sugar dragon when he tries his little tricks (sneaky Devils aren't they?)

- my nails are long strong and white at the tips, when previously I would probably split a nail every other day, I have chipped one in the last 28 days.

- I used to wake up often in the night with hives on my legs. Hasn't happened once since I started.

- today I saw a friend I haven't met in four years. She walked in and said "OMG you have actually got YOUNGER since I last saw you, look at your skin it's amazing!!"

So I have more of the journey to do. And I just wanted to acknowledge to me what I have achieved so far. This is a life change right not a sprint. It's a change I want to make mentally forever. So the scales can stay in the cupboard forever and I will take each step as it comes (with some PMT moments along the way I'm sure :-) ). Grateful to have had the opportunity to come on this journey and if you've read this far, thanks - I didn't mean to go on quite so much and it feels important to share this publicly as part of the healing. Dx

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Your post shows how much extremes are fading in your approach to eating and health. I wish you continued improvement. My 16 year old struggles with an eating disorder, and I know it's painful and can be consuming. Best of luck.



p.s. glad to hear someone else has itchy ears with a poor diet!

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Appreciate your post! With everything you've been through over the years, your metabolism probably got pretty out of whack… sometimes that damage takes awhile recover from. Be very patient with yourself, give yourself LOTS of credit for what you've accomplished (like you said above!), and look at the long term picture. Eventually, your body will find its balance again. It also never hurts to consult/collaborate with a good naturopathic doctor, one who is holistically-minded and Paleo friendly!

PS I had itchy ears for over 10 years, visited every specialist I could find, got no help from the medical folks. Cured it myself with dietary changes… Amazing!

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