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Day 1 - Excited


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Started today...  Really excited about making these changes.  My family and I have just been eating like garbage and have been feeling the effects of the over-processed, chemical filled food we choose to allow in our diet.  My brain has been feeling fuzzy, I seem to always have stomach problems and body aches, and let's not forget the crazy up and down cycles of hyper-energetic and then really low lows where I might just pass out while driving.  So, clearly this needs to happen.  I know everyone probably starts off excited and I am not lying to myself and thinking this wont be difficult.  I know it will be, but this reset just needs to happen for the sake of my family and my health.


We did really well grocery shopping....I think....?  But meal planning is not where I think it needs to be.  Hopefully we can put a little more effort in this week and "catch up."


Check out my beautiful fridge!! :)  Hope we can keep it looking like this LONG after 30 days.


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Hello!!!! I am starting today too! My family refuses to join me as they do not want to give up sugar and pasta but I am the one who cooks so they will be getting much healthier meals weather they like it or not! haha. I have been having many issues, crazy weight gain (like 25 pounds in 10 months) Horrible sleep habits. I am always tired.... etc etc etc. We eat out  a lot. at least once a week, and I was going through a drive through almost daily for either a sugar packed coffee burger or whatever. I really need to make this change. I am full of hopeful thoughts right now. I am having my breakfast salad, coffee w cocnut milk and getting ready for a walk!!!


Good Luck to you!

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Right!  So easy to get into bad habits and just continue with them because it's easier.  Re-learning to be "intentional" with what I eat is definitely a change.  I can't just grab something, I have to have a plan.  No more lazy food choices!!!


I live with my husband, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, my nephew, and son (FULL HOUSE!!), so I am SO GLAD we are all doing this together. Although, should be interesting come days 4/5 (Kill All The Things) will all of us living in one little house....  But, we all share cooking responsibilities and the food budget, so it kind of HAD to be that way.


I wish you LOTS of luck and hopefully your family will realize it's not so bad to eat healthier.  :)  Glad you're here and look forward to keeping tabs and seeing how you're doing and how your family is reacting.

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Still optimistic! Good day but really hungry today... Everyone else in the house wasn't, so of course I had to ask, "am I doing it right??" :). That's me! Also, hangover. Yeah, that's no joke. Kind of a fuzzy head and a very slight but lingering headache today. Glad you're still don't well! Nice to hear your enthusiasm! :)

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I didn't get the hangover yesterday. I did have really weird insomnia? I'm dragging today but I chalk that up to 5 hours of sleep and I didn't get to eat until, well right now :( Hope tomorrow is better! I know it def going to be harder as I am going on vacation,

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DAY 4!  So, felt really good yesterday.  Again, a bit tired but I never know if that's from me not getting enough sleep (as I average maybe 4-5 hrs) or the diet....  Hmm, maybe I should try sleeping and see.  :)


Today, I am feeling listless and like my skin is crawling. Brain is definitely a little slow to react.  Odd.  Thought the hangover period was over but this has got to be some sort of detox.  


Still having a hard time with breakfast. I have never been much of a breakfast eater and choking down anything but coffee in the morning sounds pretty revolting.  Again, because I am endlessly lucky to have my whole family doing this with me, we've been taking turns cooking breakfast.  However, this morning the cooking was for lunch since we all seem to do better with some sort of pre-prepared protein, so had an apple way too long after I woke up. Not the best start but at least I ate something.


So, speaking of vacation - end of the month, days 19-22, my husband, son and I are heading to the Oregon beach.  The thing is, I have NO problem eating fish and veggies, however there is one small problem with this trip.  There is this amazing restaurant that we eat at every time I've gone there since I was a kid. I haven't been to the Oregon beach in....oh, 10 years. I really want to just eat this one meal they serve but....ugh, can't. Guess I'm not sure what to do - do we go and find whole30 options or just avoid going there? <sigh> I suppose this is one of those emotional cravings that I just need to redirect. I need to stop thinking about it because I am now LONGING for this meal and sad I can't have it.


And can I just repeat - NO IDEA HOW YOU GIRLS ARE DOING THIS ALONE!!!!  Kudos to you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am HERE!  Day 17!  Whole family is still going strong although it's been pretty rough a few days.  Weekends are noticeably bad but realized we just needed to plan better and use those days to make the week easier.


How about you?  Doing well??

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I am doing okay, no boundless energy yet but I don't sleep very well so that could be it. I am still doing this all on my own..... which means cooking two meals. My clothes are Noticeably looser though, after only two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a co worker I had not seen since I started tell me "You have lost weight! You look fantastic! You're just glowing" which is great.


More than halfway done! YAY

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Day 18...  No Tiger Blood, at least not the switch that I was hoping for.  I didn't eat TERRIBLY before W30 but definitely not this clean, so maybe just having some sustained energy and subtle changes is what I get....  My clothes are fitting better, definitely, but not sure I'm losing a ton of weight. Who knows?  I was so "number driven" by my scale that I'm not sure I even know what weight loss feels like.  So, I'm trying to notice other things aside from pounds.  Like, I DO feel better I haven't had a headache in a long time. Like you, I don't sleep much, but when I DO sleep I think I sleep more deeply and feel more rested throughout the day. My mood is so much more stable. Before W30 I would get these fits of anger where my chest would just seize up and I thought I would explode. I haven't had any of that recently. My taste buds are changing and I feel like I can really taste a "flavor profile" now. Like it's not just the taste of "peppers" but I can distinguish the sweetness and bite. I am really enjoying Kombucha and mineral water with lemon, which is something I NEVER would have liked before but the flavors are subtle and I can now appreciate them.


The family is doing really well.  I am SHOCKED. There were a few members I thought would try this for a day or two and give up, but as far as I know everyone is going strong. I can't monitor what they eat all day every day, but think everyone is being honest. We were even discussing what happens on day 31 and the people who were saying...well, basically, "buffet!!" on day 31, are now saying they want to continue some version of this. Again, totally shocked but SO AWESOME!!


I DO find myself really annoyed at grocery stores and restaurants. It's funny because in the past I would have been angry at the diet, but now I'm angry at the food. Like, is it REALLY so hard to provide food that is whole without added sugar and crazy chemicals?!?!  Like, trying to eat out and eat cleanly seems impossible. Even places I once thought were "healthy options" have crap in their recipes.


Anyhow, going strong. Mind is focused and looking forward to making these new changes habits.


And, again I say to you, Sara, good FREAKING work!!  If I was alone in this I would have failed. 

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Day 25...  Woot woot!!!  Last weekend my husband, son, and I went on a trip to the Oregon coast...oh boy was that hard! We were travelling with friends who are VERY much not on Whole30.  They are supportive to a point, but not SUPER understanding, like "why can't you just take a break?" "come on, it's vacation!" So, I had some guilt because this trip was for my husband and I wasn't "letting" him cheat. But all in all, we can through it stronger and my husband admitted he was proud of us.


Rest of the family seems to be doing well.  Have some food fatigue. My Brother-In-Law made these awesome chicken wings a few weeks in and that is ALL he wants to eat. They are great, but if I see another chicken wing...ugh! There also appears to be some of the, "well, it's day 25, isn't that close to 30" going on. But think we'll make it strong.


Next issue is how to continue.  Like, we want to eat a modified version of Whole 30, like Paleo, when done. But I feel like we need REALLY solid rules and there seems to be a lot of wiggle with Paleo that I want to make sure we don't allow for the grey area that I know will open the door to some really horible habits being reintroduced. Any ideas how to continue this?

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