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New to Whole 30: Start Day June 3rd


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I have never followed through with any diet, exercise or healthy eating plan in my entire life. I usually do great for a few days then have a relapse and I yo yo like crazy with my weight. Lately I haven't been able to get below a 8 pound weight loss consistently. I am 28 years old, a nurse and recently began having fluid form on my right knee. It is very annoying and slightly painful and a MRI shows nothing wrong. So the reason for this fluid is my weight, my poor posture and now I am wondering if it is also my diet. As a nurse I am aware that I am on a very bad track and I need to get off of it ASAP. I want to be healthy. I would also like to not hate my physical appearance but I need to focus on my health. I will need all the support I can get and I am praying that this time I can make a change for good. I want to believe that I can do this for thirty days, because my future health depends on this. 

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I'm a nurse too and I know (among many other things) the physical demands of this profession.  Good for you to see and understand how important your own health is too!


This is my second Whole30 and it takes resolve and effort, but it's very worth it.  You'll find some things echoed over and over.


Food prep and prep and prep ... it's the best step for success.

Come to forums ... read and post.  Keeps accountability and great support!

Follow the rules, but be kind to yourself.  Some days may be compliant but not "perfect" ... it's okay.

Make sure you eat enough!!  Don't restrict because you think it will help ... it doesn't.


Just my last 2 cents ... days I work, I eat 4 meals.  They day is too long and demanding and I can't get through with just 3.  I tried for the 1st week during my other Whole30 and was so hungry.  You may need to make those kinds of adjustments based on your job/shift.


You should absolutely believe you can do this ... because you can!  

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If it was a compliant Larabar, you don't need to start over.  But it's recommended to use just for emergency as these do act as Food Without Brakes for some and keep the sugar dragon alive and well.  It's also recommended to eat fruit with a meal, not alone as it will also keep your sugar habits strong.


Here is a link to the "Do I need to start over" article ...




If you were compliant, I wouldn't start over ... just chuck it up to a learning lesson.  I think it takes some time to work out the kinks ... especially the first week.  


Check out the forums ... lots of talk about fruit and nuts.  Seems like a lot of people decide to limit both as they keep sugar habits going (fruit) and can upset digestion (nuts).  You'll decide what works best for you.


Last time I only had fruit a couple of times the whole month, but it was winter.  Now fruit is just so perfect, I find myself wanting more.  I limit it because it does activate my sugar dragon ... especially watermelon!


Have a good day!

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I hope you're doing well today! It sounds like you're definitely committed to following through with Whole30, and I know that you will appreciate the results once you get through. It's the first bit that is the hardest. As a nurse, you may work long shifts and have limited time for meal prep. Keep in mind that it IS possible to prepare Whole30 meals in advance that will stay packaged (have you seen the salad in mason jar ideas on Pinterest?). You can do it! Just remind yourself that there is no room for failure. Keep a list of your WHY's - why you're doing this, why you want to follow through, etc. Write down your goals and a positive thought for each day. You'll get there!

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Hi there! I also just began, today is day two for me. It sounds like you're being hard on yourself! Even just one day sort of feels like a huge feat to me :) Like MrsMcG said, we can do this! Yesterday was my first day and even though I feel like I could be prepping better, I'm feeling really good :)

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It's day four and I'm still going strong. I even went to a baby shower today at a restaurant that was not WHOLE30 friendly. I ate a big plate of spaghetti squash and tomato sauce before I went and drank water the whole time. Although I have to admit when they brought out warm rolls with cinnamon butter I groaned internally, but I kept a smile plastered to my face and just kept talking about how awesome W30 is and how I am doing it for my health when people pressured me to just have " a bite". I left feeling slightly grumpy but also really proud of myself. I hope that I can continue to have this same resolve. Anyone further in can you tell me if I am going to lose this resolve?   

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