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starting June 9th


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Hello everyone,


My name is Joanne this program seems to be answered to my life struggle in keeping weight down and healthier life style.  Since I reached into change of life my body has changed negatively.  Extremely tired all the time , zest for life slow / low and barely recognize my former self.  Just want to have great quality of life .  Here believing this change will produce a richer me and living more quality filled life. Changing for a better half  of life.  encouragement welcome


thank you


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I'll be starting on the 9th as well! I'm an ex college athlete that let life take over and didn't focus on my health after so many years of being forced to through hours of practice. My goal is to run a sprint triathlon by next spring and this program is my kick start. @building_a_fit_me if you are having trouble TTC you're not alone! My wife and I tried for 28 months and finally will be expecting a baby boy in October. If you ever need support don't hesitate to reach out! Good luck all!

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I started today as well... I'm hoping to regain consciousness of my eating habits. I gained so much weight due to stress and not taking time out for myself to see what I was doing to myself... I'm ready to get my old self back but better...

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Hi! Initially was going to start tomorrow, but couldn't wait one more day!


Did a Whole30 last year and felt amazing after. Kept things up for a while and then some big life changes happened along the way and my food/drink consumption went haywire.


Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and ready to do this thing again.


Best of luck to you all and I hope today has been a great first day.

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@bigguytri, valid point! I was really exhausted today and definitely not ready to start, but tomorrow is a new day and I will see how I feel then. Definitely think I'll ease in, because I've been injured in the past when I do it the fast and furious way.

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