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New to Whole 30 in Costa Rica


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My husband and I recently moved to Costa Rica where you would think eating right and exercise would be a breeze! The first few weeks we found this to be true; noticing positive changes from our eating of fresh produce and regular walks. However, we have gotten into some bad habits with too much socializing (aka consumption of yummy cocktails) which is easy to do when you live in a resort community. But now it is time to take charge of our health and felt the Whole 30 would be a great jumpstart. We started the Whole 30 on June 7th.

We do not have the book, but are finding the resources on this site to be helpful in guiding us through this adventure. Along with the meal plans, we have put together a daily schedule for yoga, biking and walking. So excited to see and feel the results of the work we put into this journey!

As added information, my husband was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson's disease over 10 years ago at the age of 38. If there are others with the same condition who would like to know about his experience on the program, we would be happy to share.

Here's to our health and living well!

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  • 3 weeks later...

A quick progress update as we are more than halfway through our Whole 30.

Feeling good! Although neither of us thought that we had aches and pains, I am noticing my shoulder doesn't hurt at night anymore. I had been blaming the mattress, but now think it may have been some of our toxic eating habits. Who knew!

The other night, my husband and I listed some of the changes we were noticing:

-better sleep and not sleepy during the day

-less bloating and stomach discomfort

-reduced oily skin

-minor aches which we attributed to "sleeping wrong" have disappeared

-no cravings between meals

-my husband's swallowing during meals has improved. With Parkinsons, sometimes he would choke on food while eating.

-we haven't weighed ourselves, but clothes are fitting better. Some are even a bit loose!

We attended a wedding over the weekend and were able to stay Whole 30 compliant. I had packed some almonds in my purse just in case there was nothing we could eat. The wait staff was very accommodating with answering our questions and bringing us water instead of soft drinks.

Family members are noticing what we are doing and asking us about it. I have been sending them to the web page for more information. Glad that the basics are available in Spanish, too.

Thanks Whole 30!

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