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Start Date June 10

Sarah S.

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Hi Everyone,


My name is Sarah and tomorrow I am starting my first Whole30 and I am very excited about it. I am 25, I have PCOS which has made it very hard to lose weight and I am so ready to hit the reset button.


If any of you have a similar start date, I'd love to have a buddy.



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Hi!  This is my 2nd attempt at the Whole 30.  The first time I lasted maybe a week but it was a bad time with lots of events going on.  So now, here we go again!!  I started today!!  Hoping to stay strong and committed this time!!  Good luck to all of us!!

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I started yesterday. Today was rough! I felt hungover and lethargic. Also quite thirsty. I have been chugging h20 all day.


In addition to everything else, I gave up caffeine. I'm trying to detox from everything-- and coffee was something without breaks for me.


I haven't been up to any type of working out, but I'm hoping tomorrow I can. If not, I am going to listen to my body and let it be my guide!


How's everyone's day 2?

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Hello Ladies! 


I've started yesterday which is 10th and today is my 2nd day. I just feel so exhausted! like i could just put my head on a pillow and fall asleep right now. Hope this is not what its going to be for the whole of 30 days. I am doing combination of low histamine with egg and nightshades free version to target my allergies. Find me on insta @temuulennz where I'll be the most active and please come say hello and lets support each other!  :D

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