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Today is my halfway mark!!!


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Hi everyone! I am on day 15 and it's going great! I am doing this by myself so it has been hard at times, but I'm making it! I never thought I would make it this far. I've started once before and only got to day 3. This time has been different. I'm thinking I can do a whole 60! That's my goal. It's nice to read everyone's posts they are all so encouraging.


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Great job!! How exciting. I am on day 10 and starting to feel like I've turned the corner. It really does get easier the longer you go! Keep up the awesome work! I'm planning on doing a Whole52. Lol. We are going on vacation the first week in August so I wanted to give myself enough time to reintroduce the things I know I will encounter on vacation: wine and dairy. Grains and legumes I can live without forever!

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