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Introducing myself at Day 10


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I'm just ending Day 10 of my first Whole30.  My impressions so far:


-I'm cooking more than ever before and my husband loves the variety. Our 10yo daughter loves the food.   I love that I'm not coming home wondering what I should cook for dinner - I have a plan!


-I haven't yet started feeling hungry in the morning despite eating breakfast within 60-90 minutes of waking.  I'm not sure that will ever come. (I used to eat Cheerios 2-3 hours after waking.) I wonder if I need to watch my portion size better at dinner.


-I have had none of the negative effects described in the Whole30 book (and I'm 100% compliant), for which my husband is grateful.  "Kill All the Things" made him very nervous!  


-This is far, far easier than I expected.  Part of the reason for that, I think, is that I respond very well to plans that are black and white.  If I can't have something, I don't have it.  If I can have a little...I'm going to have a lot.  So I appreciate that it's an all or nothing plan.  Something like Weight Watchers is a no-go for me.


-the food is so good (thank you for all the recipes!!), I literally forgot what I was eating tonight.  While making Cauliflower Rice and Coconut Curry Chicken, I panicked for a second, thinking, "OMG, I completely forgot to include vegetables with this meal!"  That's how good the cauliflower rice is!


So, lots of victories for me, even if they have more to do with lifestyle than my body so far.  I'm hopeful!


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Welcome to the forum, Basic! 


They call those "No scale victories" and, in my opinion, those outweigh the physical changes. It's almost like the change in your body composition is just a nice added bonus. :) It's pretty amazing!!


I am like you and do much better in an "all or nothing" eating environment but Whole30 also taught me how to eat after the 30 days are over so I can continue to make good food choices the rest of my life. To be honest, I have not strayed very far from the eating template since I finished my W30 because I love all the foods I am eating and I no longer miss the things that were eliminated. And I just feel so dang good! But I also know that, when something special comes up and I think about "off-roading," I have the option to choose and decide if it's worth it for me or not. Having the ability to make decisions like that and not just mindlessly eat something because it's there is beyond liberating. 


I'm excited for you and your journey and I'm so glad you found the forum. It's a GREAT support both during and after your W30 journey. It sounds like this program is changing your life just as much as it has changed mine. AND you get to pass these healthy eating habits onto your daughter...awesome!

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-This is far, far easier than I expected.  Part of the reason for that, I think, is that I respond very well to plans that are black and white.  If I can't have something, I don't have it.  If I can have a little...I'm going to have a lot.  So I appreciate that it's an all or nothing plan.  Something like Weight Watchers is a no-go for me.


Preach it sister - this is totally me too! And I even like having to avoid SWYPO foods as well so that we don't continue the cycles after this is done. I like having clear guidelines, but not having it be so regimented that I'm constantly cooking (I felt this way when I did the Beachbody Ultimate Reset a few times). I still have the freedom to choose my meals, have a ton of incredible recipes AND still have the strength to workout during the process.


There's so much 'win' in this program! Best of luck to you going forward...

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