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Starting June 29th


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Well I hit the big 50 a month ago and decided that it was time to take charge of me.  I was athletic all my life and didn't need to really watch what I ate, I ate good food when I was hungry and didn't eat much sweets.  I did have a bad habit of smoking though and smoked 1/2 a pack a day for 25 years.  I got a transfer to a new state and decided it was time to quit.  So I hit my 40's and quit smoking and in a new state with a total lack of exercise ( no easy access for water sports) and change of diet (no fresh fish or seafood so was at a loss what to cook/eat) it was a recipe for disaster.  Gained 60 lbs .  Developed very strong allergies to environmental smog/chemicals.   Doctor had me on meds which contributed to weight gain, also had 4 sinus surgeries and reactive lymph nods removed due to this issue .  A few years ago I got control of my external allergies by cleaning my house with only natural products and eating cleaner.  Loss some 30lbs after that and now ready to test to make sure I haven't developed any food allergies along the way. 


I know I am very addicted to sugar so it is a little scary to see how my first week will go.  I thought I was eating pretty clean just because I ate lots of green veggies and lean meats then when I started checking the labels on all my marinades and dressings.  Even the sausage that is ground and made at the grocery meat dept has stupid sugar.  So I am hoping I will detox and be able to get back to where I used to be a healthier person and weight.  No more constant congestion/headaches and hives.    I started today as it was easier for me to plan my meals for the week and grocery shop on the weekends as this is my usual behavior. 


I am feeling a little light headed or foggy this morning but otherwise good so far which is surprising as I binged yesterday on sugar.  Candy bar, cookies.   



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Hi, I too started on the 29th June. Am 60, and not very athletic but started going to the gym a few years ago and whilst there sweat a lot doing Zumba, and pilates, and various other classes,. I do enjoy it and at 60 had alot of desk time to make up for!

The first 6 days are over for me, I live in the UK and there is just an herbal tea to sip before dragging my exhausted body to bed.

It was really hot today, and I spent it walking around one of our best flower shows at Hampton Court, London. I stayed on plan and managed to do so in an unfamiliar place. Felt great. Thank goodness for summer salads...

I hope you are doing well and that the lightheadedness has dissipated

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