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Starting July 1st


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Hello all! I am preparing to begin my first Whole30 on July 1st! I am so excited to begin! I have struggled with my weight since my mid-twenties. Now, after having a baby, I find it more difficult than ever to get my weight under control. I've been working out pretty hard the past year and have not seen the results that I would like, so I'm hoping that this is the "reset" that my body needs.

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Hi Jessica, I too, am setting out on my first Whole 30 on July 1st. I first heard about this May 19 from my sister who had just completed her first Whole30. Most of the family had gone to Texas for my neices wedding and my other sister committed to starting as soon as she got home to Florida May 25. I wasn't too sure I could do this, I love my honey and wine and cookies and ...etc. etc. etc. It took me almost three weeks to decide, yes, I can do this. I bought the book and it took me another 5 days to think of a way to tell my wife so I wouldn't get the "Here we go again" routine. She's a vegetarian and scoffs at anything new or different the the norm.

So, what I said to her was "I need your help with something I've never attempted", and went on about how I needed her support without any negativity. So she agreed and started looking through some of the recipes and helped me figure out what I needed as far as meals were concerned and what she needed for her kitchen such as a meat thermometer. She hasn't eaten or cooked meat in at least 35 years, but to my surprise and delight (actually I was ecstatic) she said she would cook meat for me. The only time any meat has been cooked in our house was when I baked chicken while shewas out of town for a few days.

We've been "practicing" for about a week now. We've even done some of the grocery shopping together and she's reading labels. I could not have asked for better support than what she's given.

The Bohemian bowlturner, but you can call me Wes.

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