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Lauras After Whole 30

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Yesterday was day 30. I made it! It was  actually super easy, week one was a little rough but that was to be expected. I dont see myself returning to my previous processed food lifestyle. I appreciate the taste of fruits and vegetables now, which is something I didnt used to do. I used to cover my food up with condiments, and now I barely need them. I actually like blueberries, and find fruits that I didnt think were sweet before, sweet now! 

I didnt realize how much the foods I was eating, and thought were healthy, were actually holding me back from life! I feel great. In addition to losing weight and inches, I generally feel happy. My mood has improved, Im nicer lol. I dont get stomach aches like I used to. My dry skin has cleared up. Im not sure how/if it helped my PCOS, but its the first “plan” that has helped me consistently lose weight with PCOS so I take that as a win. Ill find out in September at my doctors appt if it actually helped my PCOS. The thing that I was most surprised with was that my resting heart rate decreased. My normal resting heart rate for as long as I can remember was in the mid 80s. Now its in the low 70s. Ive been monitoring it the last couple weeks and it has consistently stayed in the low 70s. The fact that something like that could change in 30 days is amazing to me. I havent measured myself yet, but with the way my clothes are fitting I know I have for sure lost inches. I weighed myself this morning and I am down 12.6 lbs from my starting weight! Total weight loss from my highest weight ever is 49.8 lbs. SOOOO close to hitting a 50lb weight loss. Ill be there by the end of the week. 

My after Whole 30 plans: Im going to continue to eat whole 30 at home, and as much as possible when going out. Im not going to worry about going out to a restaurant and avoiding something like soybean oil, for example. I will treat myself when/if I want to, maybe once a month. Im also going to continue doing strict whole 30s a few times a year. My next one will start on July 13th, Im doing it with a group of friends. Congrats to all my fellow whole 30′ers who made it through this process! Cant wait to read your results. 

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