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Started July 17th for a better me!


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My name is Lindsey and I started my whole 30 challenge to myself July 17th.  I had been putting it off for a while claiming I was too busy to prep my meals, too tired to cook, blah blah blah.  Then I finally told myself, if you clean up your diet, eat right, and reset your body, the fatigue and stress will slowly fall away.  I have been struggling with extreme fatigue and trouble sleeping for some time now.  I have tried different antidepressants, sleeping pills, and oils and just can't seem to see any change.  When working with a friend who introduced me to essential oils I came across the whole 30.  I read the introductions on the website and thought maybe this is the solution to my problems.  If not at least it would help me with my other health problems such as acne, keratosis pilaris, gi irregularities, obesity, general inflammation, and pain.  Being in the health care field and learning more about functional medicine has shown me that many time the solution lies in how we are feeding and treating our bodies not medications and mask the symptoms.  I do believe though that there is a place for prescription medicine, but many of them are over used.  Anyway,  I am excited to make this change in my life.  I am in school right now and planning to be a nurse practitioner when I am done.  I know that for me to feel the most confident in my skills and care I give to my patients I want to be the health that I also want for my patients.  I feel like a hypocrite when I am telling my patients eat right, lose weight, exercise!  I want my patients to be confident in my care and trust me.  Any good vibes and prayers are welcomed as I continue this journey!

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