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Starting August 16 (tomorrow!)


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I'm excited to be starting my first Whole30 tomorrow, 8/16/15. I've really struggled with disordered eating pretty much my entire life and have tried so many things over the years, mostly very unsuccessfully. The philosophy and principles of the Whole30 approach resonated deeply with me. I'm feeling very committed to making some big changes over the next month, but I know this will be extremely difficult because I have so many deeply ingrained habits around food/food addiction. I'm looking at this as a chance to start nourishing my body well and also begin rewiring my brain. I have to admit that I'm as terrified as I am excited. I can do this! And I'm very grateful already for this community of support...

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I am starting today as well.  I have so many conditions as well associated with my consumption.  The 11:00 PM pizzas to the cocktails after work.  I am having dizzy spells and can't get in shape as fast as when I was younger.  I also can't seem to lose any weight (when I try) by reducing calories.  The skin conditions are what is bothering me the most coupled with the fear of what comes from inflammation on my internal organs.  I have the fear that I will start this and then just give it up in a few days because work or family matters get in the way.  So here I am for the first time ever putting myself out there to be held accountable.  I typically would keep this private but here goes nothing (well everything).  Good luck to you and I look forward to hearing your success stories.

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I also started my first Whole30 today.  After ruling out gallbladder, kidney and liver issues, I'm hoping to find the cause of my 8 month bout of nightly nausea. I'm really am hoping to heal internally and find the root of my issues.  I'm terrified I won't be successful since I tend to give up when work or family life is busy, along with the fact my 4 sons and husband will not be participating with me, but hopeful to prove to myself I can do this for ME! :)  Good luck to both of you!

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I have exactly the same fears about giving up when it gets tough (or even just boring). It's comforting to know others have similar feelings/thoughts. I actually did 5 days at the beginning of the month and did exactly that. But hey, those five days weren't really that hard; I rather enjoyed it! So I know I can do this. Hoping this forum is that little extra push of accountability for me...

Anyway, day one went well for me - how about you two?

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All of you can do this! I've done it twice and I have ZERO discipline! Well I didn't until this last W30 I completed in July. I took last week off because it was my birthday. I felt so bad and decided to get back on the W30 wagon yesterday and I've bounced back pretty quick. I'm feeling much better today.

I have attempted 5 Whole30's including this round. I completed 2 and quit 2. It's okay! If you slip- start over the next day. Have you read the timeline about symptoms/ feelings/ what to expect during the 30 days? It's really helpful. Also, subscribing for the Whole30 daily really helps out with accountability.

Good luck to you all! You CAN do this! You WILL do this!

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I started yesterday (17 Aug) as I'm joining Crossfit and the coach won't let me do the foundation course without doing Whole30 at the same time.    I have a couple of medical conditions that are auto-immune related and research has said this might help.   It's going to be very hard as I am so not disciplined when I diet, I'm a kind of 80/20 rule person and this is 100% so going to be really really hard.   I sometimes work long hours to eat on the run and just have to grab something which tends to end up being carb related as that's fast food, e.g. a sandwich or quick pasta dish but is mostly healthy and fresh.    I go through food cravings to send up stuffing my face with something I don't usually eat, e.g. cheese, chocolate etc.    I think I'm going to struggle most with no dairy (cheese &yoghurt), no alcohol (like a glass or 2 of wine on a Friday night) and no grains, I can deal with no sugary grains e.g. pasta but not being able to eat even cous cous or quinoa is going to be hard.     It's a case of having to get very organized and stick to it and not get hungry to avoid the food cravings.   I keep chanting what my CF coach said " do you want to eat what you want and have a drink or do you want to be pain free?"    I think I need to print that out and put it up everywhere, office, fridge etc.      


I did OK on Day 1 bearing in mind I was travelling, managed to order a burger without a bun and salad at Heathrow yesterday.   I'm back home and in the office today and had a home made scotch egg for breakfast (made with lean mince, egg and rolled in almonds and baked in the oven) and I've just munched on some fresh nuts (no peanuts).     Now I need to find a high protein healthy salad and get some more nuts and fruit in for the office to stop me going astray.


Good luck all.

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