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Rhonda's Whole 30 Victories


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I started the Whole 30 because I was feeling tired, bloated and my joints hurt. Every morning I'd get up and my feet hurt along with just about everything else. I normally get up feeling great but I'd been having months of this.


My non scale victories started on about Day 3 (when the headache started to go away). I'll list a few:

1) My resting heart beat had been 71, by the end of my Whole 30 it was averaging between 62 and 64.

2) My blood pressure went down.

3) My aches and pains decreased A LOT.

4). My mood was more level.

5) My nosebleeds became almost non existent.

6) My sleep started to improve.

7) I wasn't hungry between meals.

8) My gingivitis showed improvement.

9) I lost 1.25 inches from my waist (I carry my weight in my middle)


I was hoping to see increased energy which didn't happen but I live in Washington State and we are having massive wildfire smoke which makes breathing very difficult. I think this might be causing energy problems. I'm looking forward to the air clearing to see if that makes a difference.


Scale Victory: 9.2 pounds lighter!

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