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Macy's Post-Whole30 Log


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Okay, so today is officially the start of my post Whole30 life.  Tonight I bought some skim milk and plain greek yogurt at the grocery store.  My plan for reintroduction is as follows:


Tomorrow: I will try some milk in the morning and some greek yogurt on my chili at lunch.  I'll try some more milk and yogurt on Saturday assuming I feel ok.  Sunday will be back to Whole and so will Monday.  On Tuesday I'm going to reintroduce oats so that I can have some at breakfast.


Eventually I'll back in peanut butter, beans, and rice slowly as I'm feeling ok.


I'm going to continue to stay away from bread, gluten, cheese, added sugar except in a few cases (ketchup), soy and alcohol. 


Tomorrow my goal is to get up at 5:00 am to go workout before work.  For lots of reasons I feel like this would would be more ideal for my schedule in addition to the fact that I think it would make my dog happier too that I not leave in the evening again after being gone at work all day so that is my goal.


Food Log: 46

Breakfast sausage, egg, sweet potato, and mushroom


Chili and an apple


2 Whole30 compliant hotdogs, carrot sticks and bell pepper sticks, potato


Glass of milk

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Post Whole30 going well.  I had some milk and greek yogurt for two days.  It definitely made me gassy but I didn't feel horrible. I haven't had any dairy sense though. Went back on Whole30 for two days and then today I had some sushi with rice and I've felt fine.  I also added honey back in today with a recipe I made.


Scrambled egg with hotdog and spinach.


Veggie sushi with rice.


Chicken breast marinated in honey, coconut amino, garlic, and chile, pureed carrot and potato.


Gym and dog walk.

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Day 50


In some ways I feel like I've been eating healthy so much longer than 50 days. It feels like a long time but I know it really isn't. All along I've purposefully not weighed myself. I didn't take any measurements before I started and I still haven't stepped on a scale.  In the past, I would weigh myself everyday and feel elated or depressed if the number on the scale didn't move enough.  That is one of the hardest things about taking on a big weight loss, progress feels so slow in comparison to the amount of energy and effort put into changing your life.  In my case, it will take years to lose all the weight and that can be a hard thing to think about especially compared with the instant gratification of food.


So this time I'm not weighing myself because if I step on a scale and look for a number that means I'm counting down to a time when I can stop dieting. When I hit my target weight I can stop.  But stop what exactly? Eating healthy? Exercising? Feeling better and better about myself? Not weighing myself emphasizes the fact that this isn't a diet; I don't get to give myself a pass on eating healthy; this change needs to be permanent and I'm going to do my best to make sure it stays that way.


I know that giving up processed foods, going to the gym, and eating more fruits and vegetables are making me healthier and I trust that weight loss will follow regardless of whether I'm counting down pounds or not and besides my pants do fit better ;)

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The learning curve on riding my own bike post Whole30 has been rather steep and not very successful.  As hard as the Whole30 was for me, and it was really hard, eating post-Whole30 has been so much harder.  I was doing fairly well, introducing foods in a controlled way up until my birthday.  On that day, I got myself a bagel for breakfast. I also worked late and ended up hungry without a food plan.  That meant Chinese food for dinner and a water ice for dessert.  Since then, I’ve been making really poor food choices; not across the board but definitely more than I would like.


I feel really disappointed with myself and sad at just how incredibly easy it is to fall into bad habits.  I know it isn’t surprising and the program does warn you about the feasibility of changing years of bad habits in a month but man…not what I was hoping for.  My stomach/digestion is off again, low energy, not sleeping well, not going to the gym regularly. 


So that is the bad but there is some good too. I am recommitted to keeping processed foods out of my life.  That means no take-out, no deli options at the grocery store etc. I also am going to be very strict about not having any added sugar beyond honey. I can already feel the cravings coming back and I don’t want to let it get any worse.  I’m learning more about myself and what my triggers are.   This is a process and I’m going to take missteps. The past  week has been a pretty big misstep but I’m going to take control again.  I remember how good it felt to feel in control of my diet and I want that again, one meal at a time.

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