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Hope my second Reintro is better than the first!


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Day 31!


I just finished by Whole30 and am starting a new thread to log my reintro!


A recap: the timing of my Whole30 was about 2 months before a cruise, which was my final motivation for improving my diet and trying to get healthier.  I have done the Whole30 once before, about a year ago, and had great results (lost 14 lbs!).  This time, I also had great results (11lbs), and even better NSV, I feel like I have a better post Whole30 plan for how to build on my results and new relationship with food.  I definitely plan to doing a solid reintro and then continuing to log my daily food for a while, either here or thru another web source.  


I started out with legumes today for my reintro.  (no legumes)


M1- 2 eggs, 1 bacon, coffee with coconut milk

M2- leftover spaghetti squash pad thai, roasted beets, apple, about 1 tbl peanut butter

PWO- roasted chicken and avocado

M3- White Bean Turkey Chili (https://www.weightwatchers.com/food/rcp/RecipePage.aspx?recipeId=95071)


I haven't had M3 yet, but so far no bad symptoms.  I don't eat peanut butter too often, I prefer almond butter, but on occasion I will buy it when my pocketbook just can't justify how expensive almond butter is!  The chili recipe is one that I have made often, so I thought it would be a good test of beans.  During my last reintro, I struggled with picking reintro foods that I would actually like to eat on a regular basis (vs just eating random foods in that food group), so this time I am trying to be more thoughtful about really testing foods.  So far so good!

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Reintro Day 4


I had no issues after my day 1 reintro of legumes, and I faithfully followed up with 2 days of whole30 (more or less).  I was a little less strict about some things, for example I made a chicken recipe that used white wine as part of the sauce, but otherwise I haven't strayed.  I'm still feeling great and not noticing any negative symptoms.  I maybe feel slightly more bloated, but that could be associated with hormones.  I am weighing in tomorrow so we will see.  The most annoying part of the reintro so far is that I can't use the leftovers of my reintro meals for lunches as I normally would.  Instead I'm force feeding them to my husband!


Today is my dairy reintro and I had:


M1- (Brunch at my brother in law's house)- some raw veggies with about 1 Tbl of brie, an egg bake with veggies, coffee with half and half

M2- Clementine and 1 Tbl almond butter 

M3- Seared Ahi Tuna Salad http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/rachael-ray/seared-ahi-tuna-and-salad-of-mixed-greens-with-wasabi-vinaigrette-recipe.html


Later I plan to have some 8 yr cheddar I brought...


I didn't include milk in this reintro because I really don't drink milk unless I'm having a latte from Starbucks (although sometimes I order soy milk and I heard they have coconut milk now!).  However, I am a big fan of an occasional wine and cheese dinner, so I want to get the cheddar in today to test it out!  

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End of Reintro!


So today is actually day 12 post Whole30.  I ended up following a reintro of sorts, but I did change a couple things around since my last post.  First, I ended up doing the gluten free grain reintro on day 6 instead of 7 because I was going to some get together where it just made sense to do it then.  Second, once I reintroduced a group, I wasn't as strict about avoiding it on the subsequent days.  I never had any negative symptoms related to any food group.  My day 10 was kind of a mess, I will admit.  It was a Friday night and the first time I had gone out to eat since I started Whole30.  It was technically my gluten reintro, and I had a fish fry.  I also had some cocktails, and some chocolate.  So I'm sure no one would call with a true reintro day of any sort.  Saturday was also rough, we had some friends over, went out to eat, and had some more cocktails.  I am happy to report that I was able to tolerate the cocktails pretty well without feeling sick, tired, or hungover.  I definitely feel better when I don't have them, but overall everything has gone well.


My final thoughts after the Reintro is that it seems my body is pretty tolerant to most things.  I did end up having milk after my dairy reintro ( in a latte), and had some bloating and GI symptoms, but I already knew that milk is not generally my friend.  Nothing else seemed to flag.  Interestingly, I have become a lot more regular through this last week, going to the bathroom pretty much every day, when on the Whole30 I was pretty constipated through the whole thing.  Not really sure what to attribute that to.  I also have been tracking my weight on a weekly basis, and did lose over 2 pounds again in the first week after my Whole30.  I will be using that as an overall gauge to see if bloat is creeping back into as I resume a more liberal diet.  


So glad I did the Whole30 reset.  Will I do it again?  Yes!  Maybe not anytime soon, but it helped me make healthy a habit again, which is so worth it.

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